SG Pro's Social Media Deep Dive For Sex Geeks!
Do you feel like the undiscovered secret in your field?
Wonder why you’re not gaining loyal fans and credibility?
Do you watch other educators, some with a lot less talent and insights, getting ahead and filling their workshops… While you bust your behind and scratch your head? Struggling to get enough people in the door to justify the time and effort you put in?
If you’re ready to transform your business and have clients and customers asking YOU when your next offering is…
The key is Social Media!
Before you run, or shrug and say, “But I’m already doing that!” we’d like to ask:
- Are you doing Social Media in an organized and savvy way?
- With the latest updates, and informed by people who are actually winning on Social Media in the sex-positive world.
And if you’re frustrated with the changing rules and the fear-based sex-negative rules so many social media platforms impose, know that there is help!
A lot of people “do” Social Media by tossing a few things out there haphazardly, sharing a few posts, and then when they have something to sell —in a different tone altogether— blasting their followers with marketing and sales invitations.
They may never know their accounts are shadow banned with few followers seeing their material. And the annoyance and anger when the powers that be take down perfectly normal posts and give no feedback… Or say that posts within the guidelines are in violation. This happens all too often to those in the sex-positive community!
When Social Media is done with savvy, structure, and confidence, the human brain associates YOU and your business as important, consistent, and valuable.
- You want to create Secure Attachment with your audience without overwhelming them or leaving them bored with your posts and information.
- You want your posts to demonstrate warmth and caring (not fear and chastisement) with enough strength, humor, and power to guide them…
- All while dealing with a tender subject many people have trauma and shame around!
If this sounds challenging, it is! Especially as so many business owners are struggling with their own feelings of insecurity, imposter syndrome, and uncertainty if they’re doing any of this “right.”
Why Social Media?
Why should you worry about Social Media? Promoting anything sex-positive on social media is tough right now. And most of the major platforms are cracking down on anything remotely related to sex and sex-positivity.
Social Media is where you can:
- Have low risk, low investment interactions with existing and future customers and clients.
- Help educate and bring awareness to problems (and solutions!) your future paying clients may not be aware of (roughly 70% of your prospective clients don’t know there is a unique and powerful solution to issues you teach about!).
- Build your email lists and send people to your websites with gentle reminders.
- Help their brains anchor you as important and worth remembering! (This is a survival brain/subconscious pattern. If you see someone several times in different locations — I.E., email, Facebook, Instagram, webinar, someone else’s podcast... they gain more and more importance! Their brain will invest critical brain cells in remembering you!)
- You get to make a difference in people’s lives in small bite-size chunks… For people new to the field or topic, that may be all they can digest at first. You are helping build better humans and potentially reaching prospective customers for your offerings down the road!
- Reach 3.8 Billion active social media users globally… people who are in need of your expertise and didn’t have a clue you existed!
- Reinforce and remind existing fans and on-the-fence followers.
- Build your list and send traffic to your website.
If you’d like to learn how to “do” Social Media — in a sex-positive way that is also effective and fun — and see your brand, career, and business grow, Join Us!
In this deep dive intensive, we will:
- Help you understand your Social Media self-expression at a deeper level, including some volunteer hot-seating to help people fine-tune their strategies. (You do not need to hot seat unless you want to!)
- Give you feedback on which platforms might be best for your target demographics.
- Help you identify your authentic self-expression on the platform(s) that you feel drawn to use.
- Show you how to cycle between different types of sharing/posting to keep people engaged while you help empower them around the areas they’re struggling with
- Balance your content on fast-paced and longer-term sites (and why that balance is important!).
- Have sex-positive experts in some of the more popular Social Media sites shorten your learning curve and help avoid costly mistakes by sharing with you their best tips and ideas and telling you What Not To Do!
- Guide you in developing a content plan that lets you wisely invest your social media efforts, save time, and gives you better engagement, rave reviews, and a feeling that you’re making headway!
- Show you how to set up systems so you get people on your list and build up options for monetization.
We won’t be covering all forms of Social Media — there are too many to dive into in our time together; however, the best practices and strategies for social media we address will give you the skills and confidence to kick more ass in your business.
Plus, you will get to meet and learn from some of the best sex-positive educators on social media today and learn what winning approaches they're using on their favorite social media platforms...
Learn the pros and cons, as well as best overall practices, from our amazing guest experts (scroll down to read their bios):
- Patreon with Midori
- Twitter with Jet Setting Jasmine
- TikTok with Sunny Megatron
- Facebook with Monique Darling
- YouTube with Mason Luke
- Instagram with Paigge Gilbert
- LinkedIn with Cathy Vartuli
- The nuts and bolts of accessibility for social media with Caz Killjoy
- Overall social media best practices for your businesses with Marla Renee Stewart
- Eventbrite with Monique Darling
Where else could you get dedicated advice and best practices from all of these sex ed luminaries and social media nerds? All. In. One. Place. Please join us!
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What People Are Saying About Cathy and Reid
“Cathy is one of the most caring, nurturing facilitators I’ve ever encountered. With the Momentum program, we worked through the specific steps of creating the foundational elements of online business (writing bios, building lead magnets, etc.). Every step of the way Cathy created a safe container for us to be brave in sharing and giving feedback so that we ALL got stronger!”
~Leah Carey, Good Girls Talk About Sex
“About Reid’s business coaching… Since I missed his workshop at my own conference (Sex Down South), Reid was sweet enough to do a condensed version and catered it, just to me. As he asked me questions, my inner flame lit up with the thoughts of my passion and how I can give my gifts of sexual education to the world. From this realization, Reid was able to give me amazing and practical advice to digitize my curriculum to create a more profitable platform. I’ve gone to many business classes, read a ton of business books, and I’m always looking for ways to enhance my craft. Reid was able to pull out what I needed in all of an hour! I will definitely be looking to him in the future; to not only keep me accountable, but help me bolster new and fruitful ways of fostering my passion and building on my income.”
~Marla Renee Stewart, MA, Co-Founder of the Sex Down South Conference
“I have been a student of Cathy’s 4 times now! Twice in person for week long intensive sessions and twice in virtual multi-week training courses. I keep coming back for more because I love Cathy’s teaching style, her content and her genuineness. Cathy’s Business Training Courses as well personalized feedback has helped me grow my business exponentially! Not only have sales gone up 100X since I first started by business, but I am also significantly more confident in what I do and offer to clients.”
~Mason Luke of MasonLuke.com
“Reid Mihalko has the unique ability to be able to take big, overwhelming things and show you how to break them down into smaller, manageable chunks. He is great at seeing and articulating a "third" option whenever I am stuck in an either/or situation. He has changed my life numerous times and anything new he is offering I want front row seats for 'cause I know it's gonna be good!”
~Monique Darling of EverydayTantra.com
“I found working with Cathy very helpful. Her insights into how to use small steps in the building of a business really helped me to “chunk” my work, so it didn’t seem overwhelming, it didn’t need to get all done at once! That allowed me to take my time, work on the smaller projects in the order, and the time that I wanted to. I highly recommend working with Cathy if you’re new (or old) to the sex education or therapy field and are looking to make new headway in your business.”
~Erik W. House from lovemultipliescoaching.com
‘Reid, I am in awe at your ability to conduct a group and transmit wisdom! It was thrilling for me to participate in the process. I can appreciate how much experience and practice went into getting the teachings distilled down into the bullet points, and your humorous presentation was brilliant!”
~Cheri, San Diego
“Cathy is an amazing, caring, considerate, impassioned human being. She has a warmth to her character that invokes an ease within me. That ease helps me shed light on the shadows of my resistance. She is inspiring and supportive. Her classes have been incredibly informative, carefully cultivated, and have had an immeasurable impact on my person and my business. I am motivated and confident in a way I never imagined. Cathy has given me the skills to focus and create action, where before I was drowning in doubt and uncertainty. She reels in amazing groups of folks who make the classes that much more phenomenal. My business and person will forever be grateful for what I have learned, and implemented thanks to Cathy’s creativity and dedication to helping others reprogram their lizard brains.”
~Susanna Beeman of ColofulAdvice.com
“No matter the topic, even if it was one I thought I wasn’t interested in, I have always found Reid’s presentations more than worth the time. He is always both highly informative and entertaining. He clearly knows what he’s talking about, and unlike many other experts, he can also COMMUNICATE that knowledge well.
I highly recommend Reid both as educator and coach — I did go to him once with something I’d been stuck on for years, and was shocked at how much progress/change I was able to make with just one session. (I was able to stay unstuck after that, so didn’t need to go back, but would not hesitate to do so with other problems.)”
~ Karoline
“I’ve taken lots of marketing and business building courses and Cathy excelled at providing a compassionate environment combined with the specific instructions and support needed to actually accomplish the important but sometimes daunting tasks involved in growing an online business. Highly recommended!”
~ Angela of TheArtOfSuccessForWomen.com
“I will take part in literally anything Cathy offers. I always feel incredibly supported and believed in. Cathy helps me believe in myself and my capabilities, which is rare and so incredibly helpful. Not only that, her constructive feedback is actually useful.”
~Julia Sheldon of JuliaSheldon.com
Your Instructors & Guest Experts
ABOUT CATHY VARTULI: Cathy Vartuli, PhD, (she/her) is a recognized Relationship and Sex Educator, bestselling author, and well-known guide for those doing authentic marketing. With a background as a PhD Engineer and Research Scientist, Cathy brings a unique blend of scientific knowledge and real-world experience with heart-centered, trauma-informed presence to her coaching and mentoring services.
As a sex-positive business and marketing coach, Cathy is dedicated to helping sex-positive marketers reach their full potential and make a meaningful impact in the world. She understands the challenges of having valuable skills and a powerful message but feeling too shy or awkward to share it...or feeling like the Internet against you.
Cathy is passionate about guiding individuals in finding their authentic voice so they can confidently express themselves, navigate the ever-changing world of social media, and create positive change.
Drawing on her research skills, Cathy discovered how heart-centered and inspirational marketing strategies can be used effectively in the realms of intimacy and sexuality. Her own journey is a testament to her expertise, as she transformed from someone hesitant to show her photo online to becoming a YouTube sensation with almost 5 million views and sharing her story and experiences with over 50,000 people. Her powerful presence on stage has earned her standing ovations.
Cathy has curated, promoted, and taught at numerous live events in the sex-positive education and marketing space, including Sex Geek Summer Camp, Sex Geek Design Studio, Sex Geek Conservatory, Speakers Kit, Freemium Creation Kit, Social Media Deep Dive for Sex Geeks and Sex Geek Sponsorship 101. She’s organized and taught at International Virtual Festivals and Summits. She has also presented her marketing skills at prestigious conferences such as Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit, CatalystCon, Converge Con, AASECT, and Sex Geek Summer Camp. She also coaches using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) on ThrivingNow.com with Rick Wilkes. Her areas of expertise include Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Storytelling, and leveraging the power of YouTube.
With her coaching, Cathy empowers sex educators to leverage their shyness and awkwardness as unique strengths. She helps them develop authentic connections with potential clients and inspires personal growth and transformation.
To learn more about Cathy and her transformative coaching and mentoring services, visit her website at www.TheIntimacyDojo.com.
ABOUT REID MIHALKO: As seen on NETFLIX' "Chelsea Does..." alongside Chelsea Handler, Reid Mihalko (he/him) of ReidAboutSex.com is an internationally known sex and relationship geek who threw an orgy for Oprah's OWN Network on Lisa Ling's "Our America."
Reid helps adults and college students create more self-esteem, self-confidence and greater health in their relationships and sex lives using an inspiring mixture of humor, keen insight, and comprehensive, pleasure-focused sexual health information. He also helps fellow sex educators and sex-positive entrepreneurs build thriving careers so they can reach more people, make better livings as educators, and have MORE fun with less burnout!
Reid’s workshops and college lectures have been attended by over 50,000 people. He has appeared in media such as Netflix’ Chelsea Does…, Oprah’s Our America With Lisa Ling on OWN, the Emmy award-winning talk show Montel, Dr. Phil’s The Doctors on CBS, Bravo’s Miss Advised, Fox News, in Newsweek, Seventeen, GQ, The Washington Post, and in thirteen countries and at least seven languages.
Reid would also like you to know that, in early 2018, some very brave people came forward during #MeToo sharing harms that Reid had caused them. Reid stepped down from teaching and initiated a restorative justice-based accountability process to address his misconduct and make amends if and where possible. The formal, year-long process along with Reid’s apology and resources were shared publicly and can be found at TinyURL.com/reidaccountability.
Reid is also founder of Sex Geek Summer Camp, Sex Geek Conservatory, and Sex Geek School for Gifted Sex Geeks, which help sex educators learn valuable business skills that allow them to reach more people with greater ease, transform more lives, and make a better living as sexperts.
Follow @ReidAboutSex on Twitter and Facebook and YouTube and Instagram.
ABOUT MIDORI: Trailblazing educator, sexologist, artist, and irritant to banality, Midori founded Rope Dojo and ForteFemme: Women's Dominance Intensive. She penned the first English instruction book on Shibari, "Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage" in 2001, paving the way to the popularity of rope. Dan Savage calls her the "Super Nova of Kink," while others affectionately call her Auntie Midori for her cool, tell-it-like-it-is, funny, reality-based teaching.
Midori is the Co-Director of Curriculum for Kink Informed Certification, part of Sexual Health Alliance, training therapists and helping professional to provide safe, compassionate, and inclusive service to their clients. She is the recipient of the 2022 Humanitarian Award from the American Association of Sex Educators Therapists & Counselors (AASECT) and 2022 Effing Foundation Grant, along with having honored with a Sainthood by the Sisters of Perpetual indulgence.
She is also the author of "Wild Side Sex," "Master Han's Daughter," and "Silk Threads. Learn, laugh, and enjoy her special online classes, events, and art at www.patreon.com/PlanetMidori (this is where she is working on her next shibari book through this site!)
ABOUT JET SETTING JASMINE: Jet Setting Jasmine is a licensed psychotherapist and owner of Blue Pearl Therapy, a virtual mental health practice specializing in intimacy post-injury, trauma, illness, and sex-positive parenting.
Jasmine brings her background as a mental health practitioner and gerontologist as an on-set wellness consultant and intimacy coordinator. Her focus on-set is to support cast and crew with navigating challenging thoughts and feelings related to Intimacy & Trauma, Race & Cultural Identities, Generational Trauma in Media, and Character Transference matters. Jasmine approaches on-set support and interventions using Cognitive Behavioral, Solution Focused, and Narrative Therapy models, always with a goal of harm reduction and client-centered care.
Jasmine is the co-owner, along with partner King Noire, of Royal Fetish Films, where the love of the arts, film, and sex education are combined to produce content that stimulates and engages the audience to explore sexual boundaries. An award-winning adult film director and established adult entertainer, educator, and master fetish trainer, Jasmine has dedicated her craft to creating a more inclusive and ethically sound adult entertainment industry. Her work on the Decolonization of Sex, Porn and Politics, Sex-Positive Parenting, and Sex & Mental Health has been featured in VICE, Playboy, Forbes, Cosmopolitan, NPR, Essence, BBC, Psychology Today, and more.
Jasmine is heavily sought out for her experience with challenging conventional approaches to womanhood, including redefining everything from careers & sexuality to parenting based on one's term of self-approval.
ABOUT SUNNY MEGATRON: Sunny Megatron is an award-winning BDSM & Certified Sexuality Educator, Certified Relationship Coach, and media personality. She’s the host and executive producer of the Showtime original television series, SEX with Sunny Megatron, plus co-hosts AASECT Award-winning American Sex Podcast and Open Deeply Podcast. Sunny was also named XBIZ Sexpert of the Year 2021 and is Editor-in-Chief of kink-focused Zipper Magazine.
Known for her one-of-a-kind build-your-own-adventure approach to sex, kink & relationships, Sunny coined the BDSM community catch-phrase, Kink is Customizable™. In her sell-out workshops, her unique brand of “edutainment” seamlessly combines her humorous lecturing style, interactive exercises, and the latest sexuality research. Sunny’s passion is helping others overcome shame and find power through play and pleasure. Currently, she’s working on her first book, “Customizable Kink: A Strategic Guide to Adult Play.”
ABOUT MARLA RENEE STEWART: Marla Renee Stewart, MA (she/her) is a professional sexologist, intimacy/relationship/sex coach, speaker, and author. She is the owner of Velvet Lips, a sexuality education company, as well as Contract Liberation, a company focused on research for non-profit groups. As a faculty member at Clayton State University, she teaches Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies. As the Co-Founder of the Sex Down South Conference, Marla aims to bring diverse groups together to learn and share their experiences in the essence of being authentic and fostering sexual liberation across communities.
Marla has studied human sexuality for over 20 years, has educated over 20,000 people in over 13 years, given over 500 workshops, and have served over 100 clients in her private practice, all around the world. She has had her influence in the media, as well; she has written over 200 articles, featured in over 20 magazines and books, and has been on over 60 podcasts and independent television shows. She was featured on Netflix’s Trigger Warning with Killer Mike, VH1's Love & HipHop Atlanta, and filmed as a sex expert for GPB's Personal Injury Court and Oxygen's Bad Girls Club: Atlanta. In addition, she also sits on the Boards for SPARK Reproductive Justice NOW! and the Diverse Sexualities and Research Education Institute.
Marla co-wrote her first book, The Ultimate Guide to Seduction & Foreplay (2020) with Dr. Jessica O’Reilly and wrote a chapter and co-edited An Intersectional Approach to Sex Therapy, which debuted in December 2021.
ABOUT CAZ KILLJOY: Caz Killjoy (pronouns: they/them) is a cripsex agitator, disability activist, educator, writer, storyteller, and general pain-in-the ass currently living near Washington, DC on unceded Nacotchtank land. Their endeavors focus on what make most people uncomfortable: advocacy and accountability; sex and kink; pain, disability, and illness; death and poverty; accessibility and technological security.
With Amber DiPietra, Caz co-founded the Disability and Sexuality Access Network (DASANetwork), an education and advocacy organization for people who are passionate about disability, sex, and sexuality. They are also a founding board member of The Kinder Foundation.
ABOUT MONIQUE DARLING: Monique Darling, author of ‘Beyond Cuddle Party’ and workshop facilitator extraordinaire, has led over 1500 workshops in the past 8 years.
She is the founder of Juicy Enlightenment an organization dedicated to empowering people who are questioning the assumptions of how their life should be and to offering tools for self-expression that create trust, inner knowing, and wisdom to enjoy the life they have.
Monique has taught at colleges across the US including Yale. She has been featured on TLC and The Dr’s as well as various radio shows, podcasts, and magazines across the globe. She specializes in helping others reclaim their power and natural sensuality by transmuting fear and repression into courage, self-love and freedom.
Her primary purpose is helping folks bring out their vulnerability, energetic embodiment and fearless relating. Learn more about Monique by going to JuicyEnlightenment.com or track her whereabouts at WhereInTheWorldIsMoniqueDarling.com
ABOUT MASON LUKE: Mason Luke of MasonLuke.com has been selling sex toys for 17 years and specializes in the LGBTQ+ Community.
As a queer transgender man, he has a more unique perspective on product usage and inclusive marketing of various products.
Mason is a sex and product educator; does product testing and reviews; as well as helps other people and businesses in the adult industry.
ABOUT PAIGGE GILBERT: Paigge Gilbert is the founder and CEO of Queen Media Services, a sex-positive social media agency that specializes in for sex education and adult pleasure products & entertainment.
Paigge has worked with businesses such as: Shameless Sex Podcast, Hot Octopuss, Holly Randall Productions, Bawdy Storytelling and more! She also works as a social media specialist at Logical Position, one of the top digital marketing agencies in the nation.
Paigge enjoys spending time with her partner & her cats and dreams of one day owning a dachshund and her own home in Portland, OR.
What's the cost to your business and career going to be if you don't join us? How many years filled with mistakes and setbacks could you avoid by getting the best practices from our amazing guest experts?!
If you’re ready to get your social media presence up to speed or update your skills and knowledge (A lot has changed the last few years!)... AND you are looking to get things done... Join us for our Social Media Deep Dive!
Spend a full 2 days nerding out with Reid and Cathy and our guest experts while we guide, inform, laugh, and create together!
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