$107.00 USD

3 monthly payments

IMPORTANT: If I don't check the Subscribe box above, I realize that Reid cannot send me important NEXT STEPS for my purchase and that Reid is not responsible for me missing important updates or info regarding my course or event (especially if it's an event!).

Once you have fabulous Social Media, you'll want to invite them to your Awesome Freemiums! Learn how to make your freemiums fast, friendly and engaging! - $297

SGPro Social Media Deep Dive For Sex Geeks! 3-Pay

In a world where rules change and it's hard to know where to turn to grow your business... Learn Best Practices From Sex Geeks who are succeeding!

Four Easy Steps:

  1. Enter your email or Sign-In to your account.
  2. Enter your payment information. 
  3. Complete your purchase by Clicking the Blue Button. 
  4. Check your email for your logins and enjoy!

Privacy Policy: I will never share your information.

Includes Reid's 30-Day, No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee — applies to current monthly payment since previous payments would fall outside the 30-day window. 

What you'll learn:

  • What NOT to do, so you don't get banned or shadowbanned!
  • Build a warm and eager following while being authentic!
  • Best practices for the social media platforms that will benefit your business and career the MOST!
  • How to avoid wasting your time while reaching the people who really need you!

All tailored to Professional Sex Geeks and the sex-positive community!

What People Are Saying:

About Reid’s business coaching… Since I missed his workshop at my own conference (Sex Down South), Reid was sweet enough to do a condensed version and catered it, just to me. As he asked me questions, my inner flame lit up with the thoughts of my passion and how I can give my gifts of sexual education to the world. From this realization, Reid was able to give me amazing and practical advice to digitize my curriculum to create a more profitable platform. I've gone to many business classes, read a ton of business books, and I'm always looking for ways to enhance my craft. Reid was able to pull out what I needed in all of an hour! I will definitely be looking to him in the future; to not only keep me accountable, but help me bolster new and fruitful ways of fostering my passion and building on my income.

Marla Renee Stewart

I’ve taken lots of marketing and business building courses and Cathy excelled at providing a compassionate environment combined with the specific instructions and support needed to actually accomplish the important but sometimes daunting tasks involved in growing an online business. Highly recommended!

Angela Anderson