High Performance Relationship Mastery
Everyone's taught that relationships are "hard work," and that "love is sacrifice”... And that advice is exactly what's holding you back...
Are you ready to get more mileage and horsepower out of your love life? To make powerful and loving changes in your relationships?
Are you tired of repeating the same relationship mistakes over and over?
Ever feel sad or angry seeing cherished loved ones trapped in negative patterns and behaviors? (You know, the ones you saw your parents and their parents bludgeon each other with?)
It doesn’t have to be this way anymore. Not for you. Not for those you care about. And it’s not too late.
Powerful solutions are are often game-changingly simple... But hard to see, or just weren't available a decade or more ago.
And most popular advice is outdated. And it's the wrong advice for today's modern relationship landscape.
Working harder and sacrificing more is what we were role modeled, so we struggle more with each step, trying harder, but feeling slightly confused and vaguely disappointed that life didn't bring the promised reward of that delightfully deep love and engagement that nourishes the soul.
After a few frustrating years or a few failed relationships, the exhaustion and disappointment makes it all to easy to dismiss that secret hope as a fairy tale. The wounds and scartcissue from dashed dreams allows us to convince ourselves that we're broken (or our loved ones never really cared).
And, as resentments build up over time, and the journey gets heavier and heavier, most give up and “settle," or quit altogether because nothing better seems possible.
Sound familiar? Know someone like this?
Just turn on the television and you'll see hundreds of couples lying, manipulating, hiding, and struggling to get needs met in painfully ineffective ways.
I know it can seem like there's no other way, especially when we're surrounded with old advice that reinforces "work harder and bare it because being with someone in a so-so relationship is better than being alone." This is the "it's good enough" advice, akin to having an old Dodge station wagon that gets you where you need to, but leaks oil, burns rubber, and has no air conditioning or heat...
It'll get you to the end of your life, but not in style or with any sense of fun or satisfaction. And you’ll pay dearly for a lifetime of horrible gas milage and discomfort.
Relationships and love were never meant to be endured. But that’s what we were taught, so it feels familiar, and to consider something different brings up fears of the unknown and worries of "real failure."
What if you give up that old Dodge and have to walk everywhere in the rain, the heat, and cold? What if you spend all your money trying to fix it and it breaks down completely? Better to stick with the status quo because, at least then, you’ll fit in and people will “get you."
I watched my parents — two people deeply in love — try to do the right thing and follow the advice they grew up with. They struggled with "keeping the old Dodge going” because that’s all they knew. It drove my mother to alcoholism and rage, my father to workaholism and lies, and me and my brothers to unhealthy behaviors of powerlessness, avoidance.
Because I had proof that “love is not enough” to keep people from hurting each other and their kids, I swore I would find the tools that my parents were missing. I knew there had to be a better way.
If I couldn’t save my parents, I could save myself from repeating what I grew up with.
And I spent the last 30 years learning, testing and finding ways to step out of the default of “enduring the status quo” and into High Performance Relationships.
You won't find my discoveries in Cosmo or GQ (unless they've interviewed me). You won't hear Dr Oz or Dr Drew teaching my tools, or find my approaches in your local bookstore or conventional relationship guides.
Why? It's because this advice goes against conventional thinking (which means Dr Oz's advertisers would never go for it). But these tools make. so much sense when you grasp them. To grasp these concepts means you won't need to rely on Dr Drew anymore, and you'll laugh at magazine articles, no longer threatened by them or feeling broken. Why? Because you'll see where the old advice is flawed and understand why it’s outdated.
And you’ll know what TO DO.
And the most fun part for me is that it's not about me telling you who you should be or how you're broken. I get to show you the tools and concepts and then set you free to build the life that YOU WANT, the life that YOU feel is the best fit for YOU and your loved ones.
And these become the things you get to pass on to your kids, your nephews and nieces, your friends and family.
Together, we can help make relationships easier, healthier, more deeply connected, playful, and nourishing… Not just for ourselves, but our communities.
And would life be easier if your friends had more relationship wins to celebrate and less drama and mistakes to regret?
Would work and community functions be more delicious if those around you were better at communicating? Imagine what would it feel like to have the admiration and respect of your peers because you continually kick-ass in relationships?
I won't ever tell you what you should create or what relationship destination to choose, but I will point out how YOU can upgrade your relationship skills to Jedi-like levels and help you take the valuable pieces from your old Dodge, and help you and your partner(s) turn it into the vehicle of your dreams.
That's right... Relationships aren't just to "not be lonely" when you're old, or so you can have sex once in awhile. Relationships are powerful and inspirational and can help you create the energy and direction you've been wanting in your life. And combining your energy toward a common goal generates a passion and delight that few people get to experience!
There is a way to make your relationships High Performance Relationships! And there's a way to master this.
The best way to do that is to spend 3 days with me, in-person, live! Which is why I'm running this 3-Day Live Event so you can rediscover your purpose and passion, see the flaws in the outdated advice, and learn what modern tools and concepts you should swap them out with and how best to use ‘em!
And while you're reconnecting with the real you and your real partner(s), I'll be also upgrading your abilities in 3 key areas: Communication, Sex and Affection, and Relationship I.Q. Why? So your loved ones will feel more open, more able to share and be themselves with you, and so they will associate YOU with the joy and delight they feel.
That's right- bring that old Dodge in for an alignment, and let’s drop in a better engine, fixe the heater and air-conditioning, and get your love life washed and painted at the same time! :)
Join Reid LIVE Oct 26, 27, 28 2018
Location TBD
3 Days Upping Your Skills!
Why a live event? And why 3 days?
Because being surrounded by like-minded adults learning and implementing communication skills sets together is excitingly and powerfully fun AND some of us just learn better in-person! And 3 days is long enough for me to dive deep with you and not too long for you and your loved ones to burnout or become overwhelmed.
Instead of feeling bitter, hopeless, cranky, angry, resentful, shutdown, isolated, cold and alone when it comes to relationships... Whatever your "relationship status," why not create more confidence, feel more loving and become more present in love and in life this year!
High Performance Relationship Mastery, lead by renowned sex and relationship expert and "America's favorite sex geek," Reid Mihalko, is 3-day LIVE event. It’s designed to help you transform your relationships (and your sex life) tenfold!
High Performance Relationship Mastery will guide, inspire, teach, and support you as you open up communication, reconnect, revitalize, recalibrate and renew your relationships AND create new passion in the bedroom!
If you're in between relationships or enjoying being committed only to yourself at the moment, then HPRM will give you Communication Kung-Fu and serious self-confidence for all of your non-romantic connections, plus, you'll have all those skills at the ready for when you choose to enter into a romantic relationships or the dating scene.
And, Reid will make even the "heavy stuff" fun, playful, and inspiring because he will show you where the joy, freedom, and courage are in mastering these things. He will show you the whys and the hows behind why you got this!
These skills revealed in HPRM will allow you to bring the warmth, delight, magic and self-confidence back into your life. And it will help you avoid future catastrophes by upgrading your "engine lights” and how you assess and problem solve disasters BEFORE they happen.
But you don't have to do any of this. Society will encourage you to stick with the status quo because "good enough" is... well, good enough, right? You can stick with the old advice, the Old Doge, and putter down the highway of life. And that's totally okay.
But what does sticking to the status quo and not taking action cost you?
What’s the cost of being stuck in a bad relationship that could have been a great relationship? What’s the cost of a divorce on you, your kids and loved ones? What’s the impact of dating the wrong people over and over again?
Is 3 days of your time worth it to you for a life filled with more joy (and less strife), more self-expression and connection, and knowing that you’re kicking-ass at love and life?
- Conventional relationship seminars can cost upwards of $1500 per person or more…
- Seeing a therapist or couples counselor for the average 12 sessions at $250/hr will cost you $3000 and several months of visits…
- Booking me for a VIP 1-on-1 coaching weekend with you (if my schedule has an opening) is going to run you $5K plus travel and hotel....
- And the average divorce in the U.S., on the low end is said to cost around $15K.
Does investing in 3 days of life-changing knowledge and skills, and in your future happiness and self-confidence feel worth $997 to you?
Register for High Performance Relationship Mastery NOW by choosing the payment option that’s the best fit for you and get 1 Ticket to join Reid at High Performance Relationship Mastery, his In-Person, 3-Day Event!
But wait! I can do you one better… Have you heard about my "Pick a Door" Bonus?
Let's sweeten the opportunity by giving you immediate support and the choice of which skills you want to start working on first, shall we?
Which would improve your life faster? Better communication skills or better sex skills?
It’s not a trick question. If you had to pick one, which do you feel would help you more?
If you "had" to drive in through the Relationship Door or the Sex Door, which inspires you more? Which are you more curious about?
Why? Because, when you register for your HPRM ticket, you get to pick your choice of pulling your Dodge into the Relationship Bay or the Sexual Self-Confidence Bay as a Bonus!
What does that mean?
It Means YOU Get a "Pick a Door" Bonus!
The "Pick a Door" Bonus is specially designed and calibrated to turbo charge your journey towards mastering relationships!
How? By motivating you in the area that you're already interested in!
When you register for HPRM, you'll get to choose which 6-week online course of Reid’s you’ll be granted immediate 24/7/365 access to (for life).
You get your pick of Reid's Relationship10x or Sex10x online courses. Both contain 6-weeks of additional tools and concepts that we won’t be able to cover in our 3 days together, plus re-anchoring opportunities for some of HPRM’s most important concepts.
This will not only give you a head start on geeking out before HPRM, it means you can take the momentum of our 3-days together and keep it going, plus, you won’t feel stranded after the event like some seminars do.
And, today, YOU get to pick which course you feel more drawn to!
The best part: You can't make the wrong choice because both courses will improve your skills. Just pick the one that calls to YOU THE MOST.
Want to deepen your communication skills and emotional I.Q.?
Pick Relationship10x because it focuses on improving your relationships 10-fold through identifying and deepening how you communicate wants, needs, and desires, how to encourage and listen to your loved ones, along with a better understanding of how to navigate you and your partner's emotions!
Want to up your sexual self-confidence and prowess?
Pick Sex10x because it focuses on improving your relationships 10-fold by deepening your understanding of how bodies give and receive pleasure and teaching you skills for giving, receiving, and increasing pleasure and connection during sex and non-sexual affection!
Each program consists of a daily, 10 minute, bite-sized video sent to you 5 days a week + weekend adventure assignments + podcasts to listen to and transcripts to read, and a Private FB group overseen by Reid himself.
This is a $497 value for you as a Bonus Reward for registering to HPRM.
But Wait! That’s Not All… Reid’s got BONUSES FOR YOUR LOVED ONES!
Why? Because it’s often easier to learn and practice your new found skills when you have a buddy…
Loved One Bonus #1
One additional HPRM ticket FREE (which makes 2 tickets total, a $1994 value) to Reid's High Performance Relationship Mastery event!
Loved One Bonus #2
One Buddy Membership to the 6-week online course you choose so you and a loved one can geek out on sex, intimacy, and relationships after our 3 days together! (Two memberships is $497 x 2 for a $997 value)
You get these bonuses regardless of your relationship status, and you’re welcome to make your Buddy whomever you want! Who do you think will increase your learning the most? Your partner, a friend, a family member? All I ask is that you don’t kidnap them and coerce them into attending, okay? :)
Plus a few surprise bonuses yet to be announced!
Reid's Guarantees
Because I know firsthand how risky growth and investing your hard-earned money in yourself can feel, allow me to offer you the following guarantees:
Guarantee #1 - Reid’s No-Risk 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
Register and you’ve got 30 days before the event happens to ask for your money back (minus processing fees), no questions asked
Guarantee #2 - Reid’s "I Won't Waste Your Time" 100%-PLUS! Money Back LIVE Event Guarantee
Attend HPRM in it's entirety, and if you feel I wasted your time, I'll refund your HPRM ticket purchase, cover the cost of your hotel, AND reimburse you for your plane ticket!
I can’t make it any less risker than that for you to transform your relationships. Will you invest in your present AND future by joining me?
Click On The Registration Choice That's Right For You!
You deserve to have your loved one's feel more loved, honored and cherished. Why? Because their feelings will radiate back to you and to those around you, creating a cocoon of warmth, safety and exuberant joy you only dreamt was possible! Transform your relationship skills for the New Year into a High Performance Experience so the people around you can't help but feel safe and relaxed and connected, and YOU, you get to THRIVE!
Smooth out your relationship ride, take off the parking brake, and enjoy the experience in authentic and powerful ways. Join me now before tickets are gone and the event is over!
Hope you'll join me!
High Performance Relationship Mastery FAQ
I don't know who my guest is going to be, can I still register for HPRM? Yes! Absolutely! Bringing a guest to HPRM is not mandatory, and you don't need to know who it is to register. See below for more info on Bonus Tickets and Online Course Buddies.
HPRM Dates: Friday thru Sunday, Oct 26, 27, 28
Location: TBA
Seminar Schedule:
Friday, 10am-6pm: Registration opens 9am
Saturday, 10am-6pm, with a special, evening Social 'til late!
Sunday, 10am-4pm (so folks can catch flights home)
Nearest Airport: TBA
How do I get from the airport to the hotel? TBA
I'm driving to HPRM, is there parking at the venue? TBA
I need WiFi to exist! What's the WiFi situation at the venue? I totally understand. Me, too! There will be WiFi, details to be announced.
Are meals included? Meals are not included. The hotel has an excellent restaurant on site and Irvine has some excellent restaurants. We’ll give you breaks for lunch, set you free for dinner, and you can bring snacks to the event.
What should I bring? Bring your hunger for learning and curiosity. Bring whatever snacks you need to work hard and whatever beverages you need to stay hydrated. Bring a sweater (you know how those seminar rooms can get chilly!).
What should I wear? Dress to be comfortable. We’re going to be sitting down, taking notes, and working hard learning all sorts of kick-ass stuff, so wear whatever is going to help you chillax and achieve maximum results. And bring a sweater or something warmer to toss on just in case the seminar room gets chilly.
If you *need* to dress up (or like getting all fancy), then Saturday night’s social is going to be the perfect opportunity to pull out all the stops! If dressing up stresses you out, no worries! Keep it casual. You dressing the way that makes YOU feel best is what I want. The Saturday night social is about fun, celebrating our new found knowledge, and blowing off steam.
I’m single, is HPRM for me? High Performance Relationship Mastery is for everyone. Really. Regardless of your current relationship status or self-expression… Identify as Single? Coupled? Divorced? Monogamous? Open? Gay? Straight? Queer? The tools for creating healthy, extraordinary relationships apply to all of us!
What if I don’t have a partner who can use my Bonus Ticket? No problem! Bring a friend, a sibling, a relative, a co-worker, or someone you think would love to have a better relationship and love life. Pro-Tip: We encourage you to bring someone whom YOU will enjoy sharing the experience with!
I’m in a relationship, but my partner can’t attend HPRM, what do I do? No problem! Just because you’re in a relationship, doesn’t mean you have to come as a couple. Bring a friend, a sister or brother, a co-worker, or someone you think would like to have a better relationship life, too. We encourage you to bring someone who’ll enjoy sharing the experience with you.
How do I signup my loved one for HPRM? Once you've officially registered, we'll send you an email with links and info on how to do that.
How do I register for the Bonus Online Course of my choosing? After you register for HPRM, you'll receive an email with links that will allow you to pick which of the 2 online courses you want to register for. Simply click on the link, fill out the registration info, click submit, and my online system will get you in the course within minutes. See? Simple!
How do I signup my loved one for the Bonus Online Course? Once you've officially registered yourself for the online course of your choice, we'll send you an email with links and info on how to get your Online Course Buddy registered into the system. This way, they'll have their own Login and Password!
What People Are Saying:
“Reid, you gave me hope, when I had none. The information you send via email, your workshops, and website, has been very helpful. You a true advocate for relationships and not just the physical aspect. I tell women about you all the time and I let them know that you care about people and are not just out for the buck. You have a true gift! Thank you for sharing it!”
~ L. Lorenze, Oak Park, Illinois