Sex Geek Pro Implementation Boot(y) Camp with AI 2.0
Are You Ready To Take Action?
Together, we can solve the #1 challenge plaguing Sex Educators who know what to do to make a living, but can’t ever seem to get it done…
Actually getting things done is very different than just knowing what to do.
And knowing what to do (to make a living teaching sex education) takes time, time that so many sex educators don’t have because we’re too busy hustling to pay our bills.
It’s a cycle that keeps so many of us broke, frustrated, and spiraling downward.
Reid and Cathy had to learn the hard way that getting the right things done – quickly and in the right ways – and not having to do them alone (or do them over!) – is how businesses grow and lives get changed.
And it took us years to break the cycle. And, in the last year few years, Implementation has helped sex educators break it in just three months!
Want to know how we did it? And how you can as well?
Would you like to change your sex-positive business for the better in the next 90-days?
Implementation Boot(y) Camp with AI 2.0 Program – $297 NEW and with AI!!
- Full Pay – $297 (Increases in price to $297 soon!)
- 3 Pay of $107
- 10 Pay of $34
- Partial and Full Scholarship Link
In the business of making a living as a sex educator, there is an essential “ToDo” list of tools, automated systems, and techniques that, when applied, set you up to make more money while also expanding your reach and reputation.
Are you tired of learning great new methods and having wonderful ideas… But never quite getting around to doing them?
Want to feel amazing about your business because you DID get those things done?
Imagine feeling the momentum of your business growing because you have that To-Do List of tasks actually checked off and automated…
Imagine how differently your friends and family will treat you, 90-days from now, when you’re showing them how professional and how productive your business looks and feels…
If you’re ready to put the pen to the page, the stroke to the keyboard, the pedal to the metal, and the “transformation” in people’s lives, join us in a 90-day Git-er-done, take it to the next level, check-things-off-your-list Implementation Boot Camp!
This year with AI support to speed up your process!
It’s the ONLY virtual Business Implementation Course for Sex Educators that we know of.
This program was born out of the biggest roadblock Sex-Positive Entrepreneurs face: Getting their Business To-Do List (those essential systems, steps, and check-boxes that catapult how you get paid and further your career) implemented!
This roadblock plagues thousands of sex educators in our industry. Maybe even you… But not anymore.
If you’re like us, you’ve probably had a helluva time…
- Finding the time to research what systems and tools you should be using…
- Making sure they’re the right tools (and you can afford them)…
- And then, actually getting those tools and systems installed!
How about we shortcut your learning curve and leap-frog you forward several years (and save you several thousands of dollars) by just showing you which systems to use, and help you install them?
Would You Like To Have All Your Essential Business To-Do Check-Boxes and Tasks Done In 90-Days?
It’s Easier Thank You Think…
And More FUN Thank You Think!
So fun and easy, in fact, that Implementation’s first graduating class renamed the course the Implementation Boot(y) Class!
Here’s our invitation:
- Let us show you what the essential business systems and “To-Dos” are that have helped us make a living as a sex educator. (These are the same systems that dozens of other educators have already implemented from last year’s Implementation program to great success.)
- Let’s get you and your peers on the zoom weekly for 2 hours, and discuss how YOU can leverage these approaches to increase your reach, establish your professionalism, and rock your career!
- Cathy and I will help you understand the task for the week, answer questions, then help you get it done, right there! And as time permits, we'll do friendly hot seats and give you feedback and support! Where it's useful, we'll show you how to use AI to speed things up even more- all while staying authentic and real!
- Let’s take all the guess work out of which systems and technology you should be using… (We're recommending the most useful, elegant, AND economical solutions for you!)
- Let us inspire and motivate you to actually do the program by cheering you on from our own private Facebook Implementation Support Group. This way, you can Show-n-Tell us your progress, and we can help you tweak and optimize your triumphs while we applaud your accomplishments! No Shaming you to get you motivated when we can inspire you instead!
- Let’s fill that Facebook Group with a community of like-minded Sex Geeks to network, befriend, and collaborate with! No more feeling alone while you get things done!
- Did we mention inspire?… Let’s cheer each other on so YOU and the rest of us can feel excited rather than overwhelmed, productive rather than stymied, rejuvenated rather than burnout!
Imagine what it’s gonna feel like when you go home for the holidays or take off on vacation with the To-Do List below check-off and finished?
What will your friends, relatives, and family say when you show them how professional your business and social media looks?
What a relief it’s going to be for YOU as you see your email list growing, watch people sharing and liking your social media posts, using your sage advice, and coming to your online store to purchase your programs and services?
We Know You Can Do This! Why?
Because we Helped Dozens of Sex Educators Accomplish These Tasks.
We recorded a brand new series of Implementation Videos with updated information. PLUS, we’ve added something we didn’t have the first year… You get to connect on our Private Facebook Implementation Support Group. Yep. Check-in and post on the Facebook Group anytime.
Here’s What Implementation Offers (we'll weave in AI with prompts to get you going fast!):
Get Your Website Built
Yes. You read that right.
Get YOUR professional website up and running!!!
Already got your site? Then we’ll tweak it so you look even more professional.
Don’t know what URL you should purchase? No worries. I’ll show you a simple fall-back choice for a URL that will never steer you wrong. One that you can use as a launch pad for your future successes!
Set Up Your Online Digital Store
Want to leapfrog your business ahead 6 years faster than we did?
The biggest challenge many sex educators have that’s keeping them from making money: Your fans can’t find your products.
We began making more money the minute we actually had an online store that we could send folks to. A store also shows future customers you’re professional when they check out your site.
Don’t make the mistake we've made and hold yourself back any longer. It took Reid over 6 years to build my online digital store because he was scared and overwhelmed. Scared that he’d do it wrong and intimidated by technology.
But you… You can leapfrog over what stopped him!
You can have a basic, professional, online store built and running by Christmas, and we want to help you.
We’ll walk through setting up your store and show you how to “stock your digital isles” with your current products (or future ones) so they look professional, and are available 24/7/365 for your fans and clients to purchase ’em.
Set Up Your Email Delivery System and Automate It
Imagine sending emails automatically to your new followers when they sign-up? They’re called autoresponders, and once you know how to set them up… Boom! You can be helping people while you sleep, while you hang out with friends and loved ones, while you speak at professional conferences.
It will be our pleasure to walk you through the process. We’ll go step-by-step, click-by-click, and in no time… It’s done.
It’s easy and sooooo not intimidating when you have help from someone who’s already done it. And once it’s done, you’ll have the added bonus of organizing your fan/customer database while you build your relationship with them and transform their lives.
Create Your Email Get To Know Me Series
Ever join someone’s email list and never hear from them again? Then, 3 months later, you get an email and can’t remember who the heck this person is?! Big mistake, and we’ll make sure you don’t make this mistake!
The solution is simple AND powerful. We call it your Get To Know Me Series or your “Welcome Series.” Creating it, especially when you have examples and templates, is a breeeeeeze!
In fact, you can get your Get To Know Me Series written, uploaded, and automated in less than an hour! Think about it: 60-mins of effort that automatically help your fans and potential customers feel seen by you! 60-mins that helps them understand WHY and HOW you can help them…
Even if Implementation isn’t for you, please create a welcome series of emails for your list. Why? Because, this way, when someone joins your list, you’ll have a powerful and professional (and automated) way to establish how kick-ass you are at helping them, and… Here’s the secret: You actually solve their problems inside those emails — and you do it for free. (Which proves to them why, in the future, they should pay you for more support!)
Get Your Freemiums Created, Uploaded, and Live!
We’ll teach you Reid's 3 Favorite Types of Freemiums (the educational rewards that folks get in exchange for signing up for your email list), and the common mistakes that educators make when creating their free gifts.
Then we’ll show you how easy they are to create and give you time and structure to actually create your Freemiums!
Before you know it, you’ll have powerful ways to help your clients and fans while leaving them feeling smart and successful for joining your list!
Set Up Professional Looking, Easy-To-Use, Email Opt-Ins
Send your fans and future customers to a professional looking opt-in page that will also keep you from spamming folks. No one likes a spammer! Plus, sending spam can seriously hurt your business.
Now you’ll have an easy way to impress your friends, family, and peers with how on-top of your game you are.
Set Up the Online Storage and Delivery Systems for Your Digital Products and Freemiums AND Back them up!
This will allow you to send download links in your automated and manual emails that will make it super easy for your fans, clients, and followers to access your paid programs and your freebies!
No need to manually attach PDFs and MP3s to each and every email anytime someone signs up to your list or lost a worksheet when their computer crashed! Not to mention if you happen to have a computer bite the dust or get stolen.
Trust me: Digital storage and delivery, and automation… These alone are worth joining us for Implementation!
Get Your EIN
Stop sharing your Social Security Number to get paid! Getting your Employer Identification Number is a breeze when you don’t have to do it alone.
Not only does an EIN make you look more professional to colleges and sex toy stores and companies, it might help lessen your feelings of imposter syndrome. (It certainly did for us!)
Master Making Your Social Media Promotions EASIER and MORE POWERFUL!
Do you wonder how to design social media promotions so they attract followers and potential clients for FREE? Let us show you how to make promotions a breeze and how to make your social media actually teach people who you are and why they might want to work with you – and do it without being “salesy.”
Get Your Social Media Promotions Written!
The whole point of Implementation is to teach you “how to fish,” and then get you fishing… And get you fishing in a way that actually helps you catch fish!
Remember how often sex educators learn new things and then never actually implement them… When you have the proper support and structure, it’s easier than you think to get those promotions written. And once they’re done, you can use them over and over again — for years!
Plus, you’ll have practiced this personal approach to creating social media promo, so you’ll always be able to whip up more whenever you need! Would that feel like a relief to you? It was for us.
Automate The Next 6 Months of Your Promotions!
Automate the next 6 months of your social media posts… Combine this with your professional opt-ins, autoresponders, and freemiums, and watch the magic begin to happen!
Yep. Set ’em and Forget ’em! Wouldn’t that be nice?!
Truthfully, we wouldn’t be where we am today if it wasn’t for automation and technology Opt-Ins, and Email Autoresponders, etc.
Set Up Your PayPal Account So You Can Get Paid
Set up an easy and trusted way to receive money, and learn tips and ins and outs of using PayPal as a sex-positive professional.
Already have a PayPal? We’ll Tweaking Yours To Make Receiving Payments Easier! Had your PayPal shut down because your work is consider “adult?” Well chat about this, and we’ll recommend a few other payment systems that you might want to have on hand as backup or default payment systems.
Set Up Your Own Affiliate Program and Start Getting Affiliates Immediately
Having an affiliate program is an easy way to set yourself above other educators, look more professional, and make it easier for you to make money while helping others.
And one of the fringe benefits of being a part of Implementation is that you and your peers may want to become affiliates for each other! (This is where the Networking comes in… See the bonus perks below…)
How much would it cost YOU to hire someone to research, set up, and create your…
- Freemiums and Freemium Delivery System?
- Welcome Email Series?
- Online Storage of Your Digital Products?
- Email Delivery System?
- EIN – Employer Identification Number?
- Hootsuite Account and Automated Social Media Promo Setup?
- PayPal Account Setup and Tweaking?
- Promotions To Attract Followers and Potential Clients?
- How to Automate Those Promotions?
- Setting Up YOUR Professional Website!!!
- Tweaking Your Website If You Already Have One
- Setting Up Your Digital Store
- Showing You How To Load the Products You Already Have and Make Them LIVE for Purchase!
- Setting Up Your Affiliate Program and Getting Affiliates Set-Up Immediately!
That’s IF you could find the right person(s) to do a job… And didn’t hire the wrong one…
And assuming that they knew how to do all of the above…
We’re going to say, conservatively, you’re looking at spending -at least- $3000, and that’s not including the time and effort you’d spend figuring out whom to hire (or fire if they didn’t work out, and have to look again, etc.)…
And, after it’s all said and done, you wouldn’t have a deeper, working understanding of the bells and whistles of how your business systems work. Which means you’d have to hire them again if you needed/wanted something changed.
Maybe you want to hire Reid or Cathy personally. Makes sense, right? Until you do the math, because Reid's 1-on-1 mentoring sessions start at $300 a session (Cathy's are $180 an hour)… Multiply that by 20+, which is how many hours of step-by-step tutorials and virtual handholding Implementation provides you… That’s $6000 if you wanted Reid to just show you how to set things up… Which wouldn’t include the Facebook support or phone calls!
There’s no need for you to pay me $6K when we can help you help yourself for a fraction of that… For less than it would cost you to fly from San Fran to New York and back.
Let’s Fix ALL THAT. Let’s Give YOU The Support, Structure, and Know-How To Be In Control of Your Business.
And Let’s Have a BLAST DOING IT!
If You Don’t Take Action…
What’s The Cost To Your Business? To Your Career?
What will it be like if your peers take action now and make gains in business while you stay stuck in a cycle of being too swamped to make progress?
Imagine a year from today that swamped feeling slowly turning to into shame… Five years from today, with little or no progress, what’s happened to your home life? Your love life? Your family…
Shame and frustration don’t have to be your fate. Truly. Give us 90-days and we can catapult you 6-years ahead of what we were able to do when we started out.
Give us 30-Days to see if we’re lying (See the guarantee below).
Join us today so you can smile proudly 90-days from now at HOW MUCH YOU GOT DONE. Can you feel the deep sense of satisfaction and the approving nods of your friends and loved ones? Oh, how much your self-esteem and confidence will expand knowing you did a kick-ass job implementing and growing your business and career! Let’s do this… Together!
You'll get 9 weeks with different focuses each week!
Start building a list of new, enthusiastic, and interested people now!
Comes with
Reid's 30-Day, No-Risk Money Back Guarantee!
Implementation Boot(y) Camp Online Program 2.0 – $297 NEW with AI!!
Get All Access for One Payment of $297!
Three Payments of $107!
Ten Payments of $34
Need a Scholarship or Discounted Ticket?
Fill Out the DiscountedTicket/Scholarship Request Form HERE.
P.S. You get Lifetime, 24/7/365 Access to ALL Implementation Recordings and Materials (video, audio, and PDF slides AND handouts from our time together).
P.P.S. As always, our programs come with Reid’s NO-RISK 30-Day Money Back Guarantee…
Our Standard 30-day, 100% Money Back Guarantee: Register, get 30-days to test-drive it and get things done. Even if you do the 3-Pay Payment Plan!
As you dive into the program, if you don’t find it useful, just ask for your money back within those 30-days of purchase and I’ll gladly refund you your money (minus processing fees), no questions asked.
We believe in Implementation so much that you get access to the entire course and a month to use it. Getting your message out into the world is important, and we believe in YOU!
So let us take the risk off your hands, okay?
The action steps, skills, understandings, networking, and experience you’ll gain in our time together will last a lifetime, positively affect your career as a sex educator, and expand your definition of what “getting things done” means.
What is the cost of getting all this done in the next 90–days? Priceless. You bring your courage, your passion, and your drive to make a difference, and I’ll help you check off those vital boxes and unleash your power!
What People Are Saying About Cathy and Reid
“Cathy is one of the most caring, nurturing facilitators I’ve ever encountered. With the Momentum program, we worked through the specific steps of creating the foundational elements of online business (writing bios, building lead magnets, etc.). Every step of the way Cathy created a safe container for us to be brave in sharing and giving feedback so that we ALL got stronger!”
~Leah Carey, Good Girls Talk About Sex
“About Reid’s business coaching… Since I missed his workshop at my own conference (Sex Down South), Reid was sweet enough to do a condensed version and catered it, just to me. As he asked me questions, my inner flame lit up with the thoughts of my passion and how I can give my gifts of sexual education to the world. From this realization, Reid was able to give me amazing and practical advice to digitize my curriculum to create a more profitable platform. I’ve gone to many business classes, read a ton of business books, and I’m always looking for ways to enhance my craft. Reid was able to pull out what I needed in all of an hour! I will definitely be looking to him in the future; to not only keep me accountable, but help me bolster new and fruitful ways of fostering my passion and building on my income.”
~Marla Renee Stewart, MA, Co-Founder of the Sex Down South Conference
“I have been a student of Cathy’s 4 times now! Twice in person for week long intensive sessions and twice in virtual multi-week training courses. I keep coming back for more because I love Cathy’s teaching style, her content and her genuineness. Cathy’s Business Training Courses as well personalized feedback has helped me grow my business exponentially! Not only have sales gone up 100X since I first started by business, but I am also significantly more confident in what I do and offer to clients.”
~Mason Luke of MasonLuke.com
“Reid Mihalko has the unique ability to be able to take big, overwhelming things and show you how to break them down into smaller, manageable chunks. He is great at seeing and articulating a "third" option whenever I am stuck in an either/or situation. He has changed my life numerous times and anything new he is offering I want front row seats for 'cause I know it's gonna be good!”
~Monique Darling of EverydayTantra.com
“I found working with Cathy very helpful. Her insights into how to use small steps in the building of a business really helped me to “chunk” my work, so it didn’t seem overwhelming, it didn’t need to get all done at once! That allowed me to take my time, work on the smaller projects in the order, and the time that I wanted to. I highly recommend working with Cathy if you’re new (or old) to the sex education or therapy field and are looking to make new headway in your business.”
~Erik W. House from lovemultipliescoaching.com
‘Reid, I am in awe at your ability to conduct a group and transmit wisdom! It was thrilling for me to participate in the process. I can appreciate how much experience and practice went into getting the teachings distilled down into the bullet points, and your humorous presentation was brilliant!”
~Cheri, San Diego
“Cathy is an amazing, caring, considerate, impassioned human being. She has a warmth to her character that invokes an ease within me. That ease helps me shed light on the shadows of my resistance. She is inspiring and supportive. Her classes have been incredibly informative, carefully cultivated, and have had an immeasurable impact on my person and my business. I am motivated and confident in a way I never imagined. Cathy has given me the skills to focus and create action, where before I was drowning in doubt and uncertainty. She reels in amazing groups of folks who make the classes that much more phenomenal. My business and person will forever be grateful for what I have learned, and implemented thanks to Cathy’s creativity and dedication to helping others reprogram their lizard brains.”
~Susanna Beeman of ColofulAdvice.com
“No matter the topic, even if it was one I thought I wasn’t interested in, I have always found Reid’s presentations more than worth the time. He is always both highly informative and entertaining. He clearly knows what he’s talking about, and unlike many other experts, he can also COMMUNICATE that knowledge well.
I highly recommend Reid both as educator and coach — I did go to him once with something I’d been stuck on for years, and was shocked at how much progress/change I was able to make with just one session. (I was able to stay unstuck after that, so didn’t need to go back, but would not hesitate to do so with other problems.)”
~ Karoline
“I’ve taken lots of marketing and business building courses and Cathy excelled at providing a compassionate environment combined with the specific instructions and support needed to actually accomplish the important but sometimes daunting tasks involved in growing an online business. Highly recommended!”
~ Angela of TheArtOfSuccessForWomen.com
“I will take part in literally anything Cathy offers. I always feel incredibly supported and believed in. Cathy helps me believe in myself and my capabilities, which is rare and so incredibly helpful. Not only that, her constructive feedback is actually useful.”
~Julia Sheldon of JuliaSheldon.com ABOUT REID: Reid Mihalko of ReidAboutSex.com has been called America's Favorite Sex Geek, as well as the Tom Hanks of Sex Education. Reid helps adults create more self-esteem, self-confidence, and greater health and accountability in their relationships and sex lives using an inspiring mixture of humor, personal stories, keen insight, and comprehensive sexual health information.
Reid’s workshops and college lectures have been taught all over the world and attended by over 50,000 people. He has appeared in media such as Netflix’ Chelsea Does... with Chelsea Handler, Oprah's Our America With Lisa Ling on OWN, the Emmy award-winning talk show Montel, Dr. Phil's The Doctors on CBS, Bravo's Miss Advised, Fox News, in Newsweek, Seventeen, GQ, The Washington Post, and in thirteen countries and at least seven languages
In early 2018, some very brave people came forward during #MeToo sharing harms that Reid had caused them. Reid stepped down from teaching and initiated a restorative justice-based accountability process to address his misconduct and make amends if and where possible. If your curious about learning more, this formal, year-long process along with Reid’s apology and further resources is shared publicly at Bit.ly/reidaccountability.
Reid is also founder of Sex Geek Summer Camp, Sex Geek Conservatory, and Sex Geek School for Gifted Sex Geeks, which help sex educators and sex-positive entrepreneurs learn valuable business skills that allow them to reach more people with greater ease, transform more lives, and make a better living as sexperts.
ABOUT CATHY: Cathy Vartuli, PhD, (she/her) is a recognized Relationship and Sex Educator, bestselling author, and well-known guide for those doing authentic marketing. With a background as a PhD Engineer and Research Scientist, Cathy brings a unique blend of scientific knowledge and real-world experience with heart-centered, trauma-informed presence to her coaching and mentoring services.
As a sex-positive business and marketing coach, Cathy is dedicated to helping sex-positive marketers reach their full potential and make a meaningful impact in the world. She understands the challenges of having valuable skills and a powerful message but feeling too shy or awkward to share it...or feeling like the Internet against you.
Cathy is passionate about guiding individuals in finding their authentic voice so they can confidently express themselves, navigate the ever-changing world of social media, and create positive change.
Drawing on her research skills, Cathy discovered how heart-centered and inspirational marketing strategies can be used effectively in the realms of intimacy and sexuality. Her own journey is a testament to her expertise, as she transformed from someone hesitant to show her photo online to becoming a YouTube sensation with almost 5 million views and sharing her story and experiences with over 50,000 people. Her powerful presence on stage has earned her standing ovations.
Cathy has curated, promoted, and taught at numerous live events in the sex-positive education and marketing space, including Sex Geek Summer Camp, Sex Geek Design Studio, Sex Geek Conservatory, Speakers Kit, Freemium Creation Kit, Social Media Deep Dive for Sex Geeks and Sex Geek Sponsorship 101. She’s organized and taught at International Virtual Festivals and Summits. She has also presented her marketing skills at prestigious conferences such as Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit, CatalystCon, Converge Con, AASECT, and Sex Geek Summer Camp. She also coaches using Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) on ThrivingNow.com with Rick Wilkes. Her areas of expertise include Affiliate Marketing, Content Marketing, Copywriting, Storytelling, and leveraging the power of YouTube.
With her coaching, Cathy empowers sex educators to leverage their shyness and awkwardness as unique strengths. She helps them develop authentic connections with potential clients and inspires personal growth and transformation.
To learn more about Cathy and her transformative coaching and mentoring services, visit her website at www.TheIntimacyDojo.com.
You'll get 9 weeks with different focuses each week!