Finding Your Perfect Polyamorous Match
Learn what your Poly-Style is, and how to match it with someone who’s the right fit for you!
How do you tell whether or not someone you like or are dating is a good match for you? When you're polyamorous, dating challenges are often, quite literally, multiplied!
Join renowned sex and relationship expert Reid Mihalko and expert in interpersonal relationship dynamics, Dr. Beth, for this downloadable, 4-call teleclass series (scroll down for Call Outlines) designed to teach you to stop picking Mr. and Ms. Wrong, and how you can find better matches for your open relationships.
What people are saying about Finding Your Perfect Polyamorous Match…
“Since I’m new to polyamory, I’m just sort of looking for information everywhere. The Poly-NYC meetings here in New York are awesome but they only happen once a month and the topics are pretty disjointed from each other. It’s nice to have a class where each session builds on the one that went before it, so that there’s some cohesiveness to the whole thing.”
~Polina, New York City
Over FOUR AND A HALF HOURS of advice and feedback from
two “black belt communicators,” each with years of successful
polyamorous relationship experience!
What each call covers…
Register now and be listening to Call 1 in minutes!
“Know thyself” is an ancient Greek saying and it is also the anti-drama vaccine. It leads to more successful dating and richer relationships. Stressful conflict is minimized and connections begin to feel strangely easy. For those of us who identify as polyamorous (or poly-curious), “knowing thyself” becomes the vital key to unlocking a rewarding life of consensual non-monogamy.
In Call 1, we will explore what a “poly-style” is, give you ways to identify what yours might be, and demonstrate how knowing your own poly-style is essential in creating relationships that are a “good fit.”
Reid and Dr. Beth will look at what “good fit” means and what “chemistry” is. They will discuss how understanding the ideas of “compatibility” versus “similarity” can help you make your relationships run more smoothly, and they will discuss three basic polyamorous “mentalities” that many poly-folk aren’t aware of as distinctions of poly-style (and that may be wreaking havoc in their relationship lives).
Call 1 will also include exercises and group Q&A so callers can begin to discover and/or deepen their understanding of what their poly-style is. Get ready to learn more about yourself!
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Just because you’ve found someone who identifies as polyamorous doesn’t necessarily mean you should start a relationship with them! If you’re just beginning to look for someone polyamorous to date, how can you stack the selection process in your favor and figure out what things to avoid all together? And, if you’re already “crazy in love” with someone, how do you keep your wits about you?
Call 2 focuses on teaching you how to determine which poly-styles are a good relationship match for yours, what the signs of a “bad fit” are and how to watch out for them, and what you can do when “being in love” begins messing with your judgment.
Building on concepts and exercises from the first call, Reid and Dr. Beth will introduce practical communication tools anyone can use to discover if a relationship prospect is a good “poly-fit” or a potentially bad one. Ideas and practices for making rational decisions when you’ve been bitten by the love-bug will also be covered in this call.
Reid and Dr. Beth will work with participants during the call on how to integrate these tools and perspectives into their unique situations. You are more than welcome to speak up and get their input!
Download over four and a half hours of poly insight right now!
In our fast-paced, “I want it now” lives of today, many of us forget that dating, courtship, and the beginning stages of relationships are really about getting to know one another. That said, what do you do when you realize you’re in a poly relationship with someone who’s “not quite the right fit?”
Call 3 will answer the above question. We will discuss how to see the subtle (and sometimes not so subtle) signs that you and your partner might not be a perfect poly match. Reid and Dr. Beth will explore ways you might be able to create more harmony between mismatched poly-styles and what the signs are that indicate you should seriously consider ending a relationship. We’ll also cover how to end a polyamorous relationship with integrity and ease.
Listen in on the actual Q&A from the callers who were on the original call as they share their personal challenges and receive advice from Reid and Dr. Beth on how best to handle their individual situations. Get on the call and be ready for some personal feedback from the pros!
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ABOUT REID: Reid Mihalko of ReidAboutSex.com has been called America's Favorite Sex Geek, as well as the Tom Hanks of Sex Education. Reid helps adults create more self-esteem, self-confidence, and greater health and accountability in their relationships and sex lives using an inspiring mixture of humor, personal stories, keen insight, and comprehensive sexual health information.
Reid’s workshops and college lectures have been taught all over the world and attended by over 50,000 people. He has appeared in media such as Netflix’ Chelsea Does... with Chelsea Handler, Oprah's Our America With Lisa Ling on OWN, the Emmy award-winning talk show Montel, Dr. Phil's The Doctors on CBS, Bravo's Miss Advised, Fox News, in Newsweek, Seventeen, GQ, The Washington Post, and in thirteen countries and at least seven languages
In early 2018, some very brave people came forward during #MeToo sharing harms that Reid had caused them. Reid stepped down from teaching and initiated a restorative justice-based accountability process to address his misconduct and make amends if and where possible. If your curious about learning more, this formal, year-long process along with Reid’s apology and further resources is shared publicly at Bit.ly/reidaccountability.
Reid is also founder of Sex Geek Summer Camp, Sex Geek Conservatory, and Sex Geek School for Gifted Sex Geeks, which help sex educators and sex-positive entrepreneurs learn valuable business skills that allow them to reach more people with greater ease, transform more lives, and make a better living as sexperts.
ABOUT DR. BETH: Dr. Beth Leszczyn has been a practicing therapist, program director, professional speaker, educator, advocate and author for 15 years. She has trained and supervised hundreds of counselors and regularly teaches large groups of professionals how to successfully navigate complicated interpersonal experiences. With her PhD in Psychology, her areas of expertise vary widely but include relationship counseling, family therapy, nontraditional relationship work and counseling around all aspects of sex and sexuality.