Are You Ready To Ditch Stage Fright, Unlock Your Authentic Teaching Style, and Rock From Stage?

3 Days Working on Your Speaking Skills Can Change the Trajectory of Your Career...
- Have you ever lain awake at 3 am wondering if anyone would ever hire you?
- Do you wonder if you missed out when they were passing out charisma and self-confidence (and worry that you got extra doses of stage fright and imposter syndrome instead!)?
- Do you fear that teaching opportunities and invites to be on television and podcasts are going to educators who're more confident and skilled in public speaking?
You're not alone!
Nearly all sex educators share or have shared your worries (myself included!), and Sex Geek Conservatory is here to help you turn the volume down on your insecurities while cranking up your abilities to rock everything from podcast interviews to large speaking engagements!
Sex Geek Conservatory Is 3-Days Where YOU Can Start To.....

Become the Educator Someone Wants To Hire...
Powerful speaking skills and an engaging stage presence not only makes you more marketable, it makes teaching more FUN! Increase your professionalism, prowess, and potential to earn money as a sex-positive educator by investing in yourself, your skills, and your career...

Overcome Your “Stage Fright” and Tap Into Your Authentic Teaching Style...
Become a more engaging, charismatic, trustworthy presenter and public speaker! Feel more self-confident teaching in front of small and large groups… On camera or Zoom… Giving 1-on-1 interviews and leading coaching sessions…

Deepen Professional Relationships While Honing Your Skills!
Make new friends and business connections. Earn the respect of your peers by learning how to weave advanced teaching techniques with powerful performance skills!
My name is Reid Mihalko and I want to teach you the speaking skills that landed me the gig teaching alongside Chelsea Handler on Netflix'Â Chelsea Does...
Let me help you learn these skills, Or Your Money Back…

November 17-19th, 2023
Portland, OR
November 17-19th, 2023
Portland, OR
Countdown 'till we make public speaking fear YOU... (Unless the training sells out sooner!)
Sex Geek Conservatory is for YOU if you’re ready to:
- Be a thrilling presenter and sex educator from stage, in a room, during an interview, or on camera.
- To be able to inspire an audience, a group, or a single client, and…
- Change their perspectives, their relationships, and their lives!
- Feel authentic, self-expressed, and downright GREAT whenever you teach!

And here’s the best part… YOU can build a “word of mouth” reputation, too!

Being a mesmerizing and engaging teacher who has great advice is one of the easiest ways to build a “word of mouth” reputation where people naturally want to share, post, Like, and tell others about your work. It’s the sex educators and speakers who have “word of mouth” reputations turbo charging their careers that get invited to speak, get hired, and are in demand.
Despite what you may think, nearly all of these speakers weren’t born with charisma, charm, and inspiring swagger they exhibit on stage… They had to tap into it, hone and craft it, and exercise their “speaking muscles” until it became second nature…
While I was always this “dorky,” I wasn’t always this confident and self-possessed on stage. In fact, I was the fat, awkward 7th grader who wore the rainbow, Mork And Mindy suspenders and thought “Do you want to play Connect Four?” was an adequate pickup line. And today, I have the great honor of having had over 50,000 men and women attend my workshops and lectures. I get invited to speak on college campuses, teach at international retreats, share my wisdom at professional conferences. My YouTube channel has nearly 2million views and , and I’ve appeared on television shows, radio, and podcasts in nearly every continent on the planet.

I went from clumsy 7th grader to “America’s favorite sex geek,” and I believe you can create your own version of this journey for your career. In fact, I’m so certain of it, I’m willing to guarantee it.
Being an engaging speaker is simpler than you think. In fact, it’s shockingly within your grasp… Yes, it will take work and won’t happen overnight, but YOU can tap into powers of presentation and teaching that you may not think you possess! And YOU can learn to do it in a way that is authentic and true to who YOU are so you can bring it forth easily over and over again. I can’t wait!
In this 3-day intensive, I’ll be teaching you the 5 Secrets To Being In Demand, how to discover and unleash your personal voice and authentic expression so that, whenever you teach, you leave an impression that touches, connects, and moves your audiences and helps them anchor your teachings and transform their lives.
This exclusive, small group, 3-Day, interactive, “feet-on-the-stage” and “mic-in-your-hand” deep immersion is like nothing you’ve experienced before.
As far as I know, nothing like this exists in the sex educator community.
I’m not going to teach you a bunch of public speaking mannerisms and cookie-cutter vocal technique approaches. Those just leave people yawning, bored, and looking at their iPhones. This also isn’t an NLP course or “train the trainer” program where you’ll learn a bunch of tactics and strategies that ultimately leave your participants feelings manipulated, distrusting of you, and ruin your reputation.

I’m talking about tapping into your authentic self-expression as a teacher, plugging it into your passionate purpose, and combining it with your expertise so you can harness all of who you are when you speak.
This approach will allow you to overcome “stage fright” and the fear of public speaking while simultaneously building trust and connection with your audiences.
This 3-day intensive isn’t for slackers. Only apply if you’re serious about empowering others and making the world a more pleasure-positive place.
We’ll be digging deep within your being and who YOU are as a teacher and a human being to find the gold that leaps out of you and touches people’s hearts. And then I’ll show you how to deliver that gold in a self-expressed and congruent way that will naturally give you confidence, charisma, and have your audiences inspired to take action.
You’ll learn, anchor, and integrate teaching and performance skills that will catapult your speaking skills and stage presence to the next level!
AND I’ll be inviting you to some “pre-work” webinars and short videos before Conservatory even happens to prime the pump and get things percolating, so when you come to Conservatory, the information and our time together will unfold powerfully!
I’m so excited to help you with this.
Envision yourself on stage, people leaping to their feet, cheering you on as your words and mannerisms convey your message and deliver the impact and the difference your followers have been craving for all their lives!
You can be THAT kind of educator.
Imagine the respect your family, peers, and loved ones will have for you when they witness and interact with you from your place of authentic expression that fuels your calling and career…
How would THAT feel, waking up every day with that kind of ease, alignment, and presence?

You deserve this, your career deserves this, and the world desperately needs your voice!
I’ve helped people go from wall-flowers who could barely say hi to getting multiple standing ovations in front of 700 people. Imagine what I can help YOU do with your passion and your voice!
Wherever you are, whether you want to stop dreading talking in front of a group or raise an auditorium of people to their feet, cheering, I’m going to tune you in and turn you on!
Access the latest recordings from Sex Geek Conservatory so you can start upping your game today, AND secure your seat to the next scheduled Conservatory (limited to the first 20 people). Start today and discover the skills and ability to unleash yourself in a way that opens hearts, inspires growth, builds a bankable reputation, and brings the crowds to their feet.
What Sex Geek Conservatory Alumni are Saying…

Jimanekia Eborn, creator of TraumaQueen.Love podcast
“As someone that was newly budding into a new career and getting over the ever-present impostor syndrome, Sex Geek Conservatory came at the right time in my life. I was able to walk away with skills and confidence that I do not know I would have gotten if I had done it another way. The pushing and support (in a loving way) was what I needed. As someone whom people assume is an extrovert who is TOTALLY NOT! This was a great way for me to practice how to give talks, how to create pitches, and how to just talk in front of strangers without wanting to run away.
Since doing Conservatory I have created my own podcast series, I have spoken at numerous colleges, I have keynoted conferences and spoken at some of the best of them. Overall Conservatory was uber helpful in getting my skill set together to be able to do all the things.”
~Jimanekia Eborn
Consultant, Host of Trauma Queen podcast and
Director of Education for More than “No”

Cathy of
“I’ve always been super shy. Insomnia for nights before a presentation in front of 5 people, and my hand shaking so badly the laser pointer made people nauseous level of scared. I tried Xanax, positive self-talk, and therapy. Nothing helped the raw panic and anxiety I experienced when I spoke publicly. The study that said people would rather face divorce or death than public speaking could have been about me!
Working with Reid helped me get in touch with being in service when I shared, and the message meaning more to me than my fear. He also guided me into connecting my body and energy to my voice so my words had more impact and power.
Being part of Sex Geek Conservatory, and seeing that other people struggled too, and learning skills to improve the way we reached people made a huge difference for me. I’ve had standing ovations in front of 700 people, and at 4 Bawdy Storytelling Shows. I know my words are able to reach people more deeply and hopefully inspire them at a more profound level, whether I’m sharing ideas at Sex Geek Summer Camp or at a workshop. Conservatory is amazing. The people, the skills, and Reid’s unique approach to finding each individual’s power center made a tremendous difference that will last the rest of my life.”
~ Cathy from

Hunter Riley of
“Sex Geek Conservatory helped me identify the areas of public speaking where I needed some attention and improvement. It also gave me several opportunities to workshop those skills and get better. I noticed a significant increase in positive feedback from my public speaking & teaching gigs after participating in Conservatory. Now I get regular comments of people saying that my teaching & speaking style is engaging, effective and leaves them feeling comfortable participating in my workshops & events.”
~Hunter Riley, Director of Education & Outreach
Self Serve Sexuality Resource Center
Albuquerque, NM
Conservatory Comes with Reid’s TWO (2) MONEY-BACK GUARANTEES!
You have my personal,
Reid Mihalko
Double-Tap Guarantee!
Why? Because I Care Twice As Much. Â
Guarantee #1: My Standard, 30-Day Money Back Guarantee – So long as it’s within 30 days of you registering for Conservatory, take action right now and Register with absolutely no risk! How’s that possible? Because you’ve automatically got an entire month to ask for your money back and get it refunded, no questions asked. If you’re registering for Conservatory “last minute,” meaning inside of 30-days ’til the event, then I still got’cha covered!*
*See my “Reid Won’t Waste My Time” Guarantee below…
Guarantee #2: My Special, “Reid Won’t Waste My Time” Satisfaction Guarantee – I know your time and focus are extremely valuable! I promise not to waste your time and am prepared to back it up! How? If you attend and participate in all 3 days of Sex Geek Conservatory’s lectures and activities and you feel that you’ve learned absolutely nothing and that I’ve completely wasted your time, let me or my staff know with integrity, “Reid, you wasted my time and I didn’t learn anything. I’d like a refund,” and we’ll refund your tuition price IN FULL!
This is how much I believe in Sex Geek Conservatory, and how much I believe in YOU!
The skills, understandings, connections and experience you’ll gain in these 3 days will last a lifetime, positively affect your career as a sex educator, and flow into how you look and think about teaching & the business behind the business of sex education.
What is the value of such a transformation? Priceless. You bring your courage, your passion, and your drive to make a difference, and I’ll help you unleash your power! I guarantee it or your money back.
The Reid Won’t Waste My Time Satisfaction Guarantee does not include your travel costs, your accommodations, and food. You will be required to return all Conservatory course materials, your notes, and all S.W.A.G.
What happens if I’m not one of the first 20 people, Reid, and Conservatory is sold out? Great question! Once our upcoming IN-PERSON Conservatory fills up, new purchasers will be put on a waitlist and notified. You can let us know if you want to remain on the waitlist in case there’s a cancelation, or you can ask for a refund. If you wish to remain on the waitlist, your refund period will be extended until the event in hopes you can join us. If you can’t join us, you will have the choice to be refunded or roll your ticket over to the next Conservatory (so you don’t get shut out again!). Either way, you have choice.
So what are you waiting for? Are you ready to join us! Let’s do this…
I’m Ready To Register!
Click the Tuition Payment Option Best for You…
Need to request financial assistance?
Apply for a Discounted Ticket or Scholarship HERE.
Over 3 days, I’ll guide you to discovering that inner power and expression and help you bring it out where it can make a difference.
BONUS: You’ll get access to the “What Next?” group call recording that happened after Conservatory to help you tune into your next best steps. The call will give you a chance to listen in on the mentoring and advice on what to do next (and, if you’re like me, hearing the advice and brainstorming for others’ situations often helps me see – and seize! – opportunities that I couldn’t spot on my own!). This valuable post-Conservatory call recording lasted as long as everyone had questions! You will have lifetime access to the recording so you can pour over the geekery again and again.
SECOND BONUS: Finally, you’ll also be invited to my exclusive Getting Started Speaking And Getting Booked webinar showing you how to get started speaking in front of groups and getting gigs!
THIRD BONUS (to the first 20 people who register): Be one of the first 20 people registered to attend the LIVE Sex Geek Conservatory event, and get a video recording of your “formal practice run” on stage at Sex Geek Conservatory, which will include the live feedback and suggestions! This is a priceless way to see yourself from the outside and clarify your message and your self-expression to make the biggest impact.
If you’re ready and passionate about your speaking skills, let’s do this now!
Frequently Asked Questions:
When is the next Sex Geek Conservatory?
Where is Sex Geek Conservatory?
What should I wear?
Are food and lodging included?
Where should I stay?
Where do I eat?
What is Conservatory’s service animals policy?
What will you cover?
Will I be on stage at the event?
You said I’d be videotaped on stage? Who will see it?
What’s the evening schedule for Conservatory?
I hear Conservatory has two money-back guarantees. Is that true?
What if I find out I can’t attend?
Are you promising I can make a living by being on stage?
What if I’m terrified of speaking in front of people?
What if I’m already comfortable speaking in front of people?
Isn’t that a lot to promise?
I realize that classes end most nights at 6pm. Will there be any evening programming?
Can’t wait to see you at Sex Geek Conservatory!
What's The Cost To Your Career If You Don't Up Your Speaking Skills?
Invest In Yourself and Let Reid's Two Money-Back Guarantees Remove All the Risk!