Yes!! You Can Ditch "Zoom Fright" and Overcome Your Imposter Syndrome!
Does The Thought of Running an Online Class Make You Cringe?
Has Fear of Public Speaking Extended To
Teaching Online?
It Doesn't Have To.
Become So Adept At Online Facilitation
That YOU
Are the Antidote For Screen Fatigue!

If Teaching In-Person Only Is Costing You Clients and Hurting Your Income...
Can't teach in-person? Meet clients face-to-face? Or run live events right now? Maybe your city or town opened back up, but what about when you can't be where the people are?

If You're Feeling Clumsy Around Teaching Virtually, and It's Keeping You From Offering Online Workshops...
You see everyone else pivoting to teaching online and now you feel like it's too late to start, or who would come to your workshop (when there are so many offerings being run by educators more famous than you)?

If Teaching Online Feels OVERWHELMING...
Feeling frozen? You know you should be teaching online but don't know where to start? Which platform to use? How to price your classes? Or what tech gear you need so you don't look, or sound, like a fool?
There's Good News!
YOU Can Make Public Speaking
(Online & In-Person)
Something You Do
And YOU Can Be Doing It
In 6-Weeks...

Are You a Teacher? Workshop Facilitator?
Therapist or Event Organizer?
Are You a Sex Educator or Sex Ed Adjacent?
Would you like to hone your online teaching & virtual facilitation skills? Would you like to teach online workshops, be invited to speak at virtual retreats and festivals, book online coaching clients... And have it feel EASY?

Imagine Being an Engaging, In-Demand, Online Facilitator
Who Runs DYNAMIC Online Workshops with EASE...
Would That Help YOU Pay the Bills?
Imagine Other Educators Recommending Your Classes
To Their Clients On Social Media,
Telling Everyone YOU Give "GREAT Zoom!"
Would That Feed Your Heart & Keep You Going During Uncertain Times?
MANY educators are holding themselves back from teaching online because they haven't figured out how to juggle all of the numerous moving pieces! And some educators courageously tried teaching online but fumbled their first attempts, possibly losing clients and followers in the process...
Teaching engaging online classes where YOU feel comfortable and your masterful teaching INSPIRES your attendees to return to your classes and programs over and over... It's easier when you have help and support from those of us who've overcome the technological glitches and honed our skills. It's easier and MORE FUN when you have like-minded, fellow sex-positive educators cheering you on!
Why Didn't I Panic When the Pandemic Hit?
To be honest, I did freak out about the lockdown, but NOT about teaching.
I was shocked and worried for the health and safety of my friends and loved ones. For my educator colleagues, if any of us had to cancel in-person retreats (which many of us did), I knew we wouldn't get the venue & catering deposits back and that those losses would hit us hard financially. There was grief, upheaval, and uncertainty about what our day-to-day lives were going to look like. And locking-down meant we wouldn't get to see our beloved sex geeky peers at our usual conferences and retreats that nourish our hearts and passions and keep us going.
When the pandemic hit and I myself had to cancel all of my in-person classes, I was already set up to "pivot" to teaching online.
Making the business savvy choice to turn on my laptop camera, switch my Eventbrite ticket details to "Location: Zoom," and move my classes online didn't feel like the end of my career. It felt like the next right move.
The next right move is analogous to sex... Imagine your favorite vibrator losing its charge right in the middle of some great sexy time —OH NO!— But rather than panicking, you reach over for your NEXT FAVORITE vibrator or toy and keep the good times going... Being prepared, having options, and feeling at ease with those options... THAT's how you make the next right move.
Moving all my teaching to online offerings in 2020 was me reaching for my next favorite toy. And it can be THAT EASY (and PLEASURABLE) for you, too. It just takes a little help and guidance from those who... ahem... Came before you. ;)
Because I had already been doing Facebook LIVES, Instagram LIVES and 1-on-1 coaching on Skype & Zoom for years, I was able to KEEP REACHING and CONTINUE HELPING my fans and followers.
Because I had already taught, coached, or been interviewed 1000-plus hours virtually on video and on podcasts... Because I had shot over 900 Youtube videos (with over 5-million views), and because I had the privilege of being on set and beamed in-studio via satellite for TV shows on NETFLIX, Oprah's OWN network, and The Doctors... I had logged the hours of real-life experience to feel comfortable, authentic, and at ease appearing virtually...
The camera was no longer my enemy, nor was the microphone.
In fact, all that experience had helped me learn my way around ensuring good sound, lighting, and video, which meant I could troubleshoot and tweak situations when they came up. The only enemies I had left were my imposture syndrome and the occasional Zoom update.
While Zoom updates will always plague you when you least expect it, my passion for helping people in their time of need gave me the power to overcome (or at least make peace with) my imposter syndrome. My ease, peace with myself, and passion gave me an edge when I was teaching virtually... I was MORE ENGAGING and MORE POSITIVE. People found my online classes MORE FUN, MORE REFRESHING, and were recommending my classes to ALL THEIR FRIENDS.

YOU Can Be This Kind of Teacher!
You Can Log the Experience & Practice To Feel At Ease.
And It's Easier Than You Think...
The Time To Offer Online Classes That Transform Lives (And Build Your Business)... That Time Is NOW.

Boring Online Teachers Don't Generate Word-Of-Mouth Advertising,
Or Have Attendees Hire Them For Private Coaching,
Or Clients Begging Them To Announce Their NEXT Class So They Can Invite Their Friends...
YOU deserve to become that engaging, authentic, online teacher facilitating virtual workshops that inspire and encourage YOUR students to overcome their own fears of Online Learning!
And the most powerful way to become THAT teacher for others is to overcome your own FEARS.
And the most powerful way to overcome your own fears is to take CONSISTENT BABY-STEPS WITH A SUPPORTIVE PEER GROUP (like the one we have on Facebook) towards running your own workshops!
How about we do it together? So you have all your skills implemented and momentum created for the next time you want to teach to your people, no matter where they are.

Created When We All Had to Start Teaching Online...
Whether There's A Pandemic Going On Or Not, You Will Always Have Fans & Followers (and Future Clients) Who Are Stuck Indoors, or Can't Make Your Live Events...
They Will Be STARVING For the Connection, Gifts, & Tools You Offer!
Virtual Space Is REAL Space.
Become So Amazing
At Online Facilitation That
YOU Become Their Antidote For Screen Fatigue!
It's Easier Than You Think...
Spend 6-Weeks Unlocking Your Authentic Teaching Style (For Online as Well as In-Person Teaching), Getting COMFORTABLE with the Tech Gear and Online Platforms... And Pairing It All With GREAT Virtual Facilitation Skills!
Your Future Fans, Followers, and Clients Are Waiting For a
Teacher Who Gives GREAT Zoom, Engages, Inspires, & Empowers Them!
Let's Make Sure It's YOU!
And, if you're still reading this,
you might be just the type of person
who should consider joining the dozens of sex educators who came before you...
And who will be showing up for...
Drum roll, please...

Join us for 6-weeks of practice-while-we-learn virtual public speaking & online facilitation classes designed specifically to address being sex-positive professionals, taught by sex-positive professionals, and filled with sex-positive professionals looking to increase their online teaching abilities, build their careers, their professional friendships, and support one another (that means YOU!)...
Shorten Your Learning Curve. Unleash & Expand Your Online Business Potential. Help People.
And Have Fun & Make Friends Doing It.
- Unlock your online/virtual educator potential...
- Build amazing peer-to-peer connections and feel supported while you practice & hone your online facilitation skills week after week.
- Learn what gear and tech you ALREADY HAVE that you can use to be teaching online & looking professional ASAP.
- Choose teaching platforms that suit your needs rather than try and disregard all the wrong ones.
- Tap into your own authentic teaching voice & unlock your self-expression when it comes to online facilitation so that your workshops powerfully engage your attendees.
- Avoid the mistakes so many other educators make (and continue to make) when teaching online that are costing them clients and their reputation.
- Pour yourself into flexible daily and weekly structures to help you create a routine & a reason to work on your business that serves, inspires, and sustains you...
- Overcome your fear of Zoom and other online platforms so YOU can reach MORE people with your message
- Give yourself the tools, know-how, and PRACTICE to increase your virtual facilitation skills (and income!) while having more fun, less frustration, and greater effectiveness in your life!
- And did we say you get access to a Facebook group where you can network, brainstorm and bond with your fellow sex-positive colleagues!
Life Is Uncertain. However, There Are Two Things You Can Control:
ONE: The Next Wave of Social Distancing & Lockdown Don't Have To Mean Doing Things Alone. It Doesn't Mean Shuttering Your Business, Or Staying Broke.
TWO: YOU Can Hone Your Virtual Facilitation Skills, Build Your Online Workshop Following, and Increase Your Business With Liked-Minded, Uplifting, Kick-Ass Community Filled With Sex-Positive Peers!
When You're Connected with The Right People, You Can Make Progress From Anywhere.
Don't You Want To Hangout, Laugh, and Learn with Folx Like These...

We Had To Get Creative and Turn In-Person Sex Geek Summer Camp Into Virtual Camp And It Worked GREAT!
We did something POWERFUL in March of 2020. We ran Virtual Sex Geek Summer Camp when the pandemic started and it went SO WELL and helped SO MANY educators, that we decided to run Sex Geek Conservatory as Virtual Conservatory that fall in anticipation of the 2nd wave of lockdown that winter. And we focused specifically on Online Teaching Skills...
Why? So YOU can be teaching online and kicking-ass virtually in your business!
We Invite You To Spend 6-Weeks...
- Overcoming the "Zoom version" of stage-fright...
- Becoming a more ENGAGING and DYNAMIC virtual teacher (which, BTW, will make you a more dynamic In-Person Teacher!).
- Making that tiny camera on your phone or laptop your BIGGEST FRIEND (and how you get new, paying clients).
- Building ease and mastery into how you approach, facilitate, and teach online workshops and retreats.... Skills that make you even MORE kick-ass in-person!
- Building your business & reaching new clients by standing out as a teacher who "Gives GREAT Zoom!"
- Implementing and integrating these skills and upgrades at your own pace!
- PLUS doing it while connecting and networking with our fellow sex-positive professionals and industry heroes in our private Facebook group!
PLEASE Consider Investing In Yourself, Your Career, and Your Business Like the Virtual Campers Did!
Their Payoffs Were HUGE!
If You're a Sex-Positive Professional Who Would Like To Benefit From...

- Giving GREAT Zoom! (and GREAT Whatever Online Platform You Need To Use...) The kind of effortless, engaging, charismatic facilitation that has your fans and clients recommending their friends to your events...
- Getting MORE Support... Create weekly accountability for yourself in the form of like-minded colleagues cheering you on so YOU can make the most of this time to focus on upping your online facilitation skills (and reaching new clients)...
- Achieving MORE Progress... Get weekly & daily doses of geeky, facilitation & business-minded inspiration to help you figure out what to work on next...
- DEEPENING Your Professional Network... Deepen relationships with sex-positive entrepreneurs, teachers, performers, and healers from all over the world...
Then Invest In Yourself &
Join Us for Virtual Conservatory!
2 Calls a Week Over 6 Weeks.
That's 12 Calls.
24+ Hours of Training & Opportunities to Increase Your Online Facilitation Skills!
I'm a Yes. Let Me Register!
Virtual Conservatory, What to Expect
WEEK 1—Unlocking & Revealing Your Online Teaching Style So YOU Can Teach Authentically & With Powerful Ease, PLUS Using Vulnerability and Transparency To Overcome Impostor Syndrome
WEEK 2—Using Clarity and Self-Expression To Become a More Thrilling Teacher, PLUS Overcoming the "Fear of the Gear,"
WEEK 3—How YOU Can Teach Virtually with the Gear You Already Have, PLUS Your Best Considerations for Upgrading IF You Wanted To...
WEEK 4—Accessibility As a Means of Upping Your Teaching & Presentation Game
Dec 1 - Tweaking Your Shooting Set-up & Speaking Tips for The Shy
Dec 3 - Accessible Communication and What It Solves, pt 1 - Special Guest Lecturer, Caz Killjoy of
WEEK 5—Leveraging Technology To Reach More People and Transform More Lives with Your Message
- Sharing Your Personal Story To Help Others Tap Into Their Courage, pt 1 - Special Guest Lecturer, Cathy Vartuli of
- Accessible Communication and What It Solves, pt 2 - Special Guest Lecturer, Caz Killjoy of
WEEK 6—Expanding Your Online Teaching Skills, Upping Your Professionalism & Reaching MORE People
- Sharing Your Personal Story To Help Others Tap Into Their Courage, pt 2 - Special Guest Lecturer, Cathy Vartuli of
- Accessible Communication and What It Solves, pt 3 - Special Guest Lecturer, Caz Killjoy of
BONUS WEEK 7—(Class Graduation & Holiday Party Talent Show)
EVEN MORE BONUS CONTENT - Unlocked on day 31!
But Wait! That's Not All...
We know some of you are Super-Learners! And we understand that two classes a week won't quench your thirst for speaking skills... We also acknowledge that some of you thrive when allowed to learn at whatever pace feels best to you...
Our solution? Give you enough knowledge to "drink from the firehose" or "sip from the water fountain." YOU PICK.
Which is why Virtual Conservatory comes with FULL, LIFETIME-ACCESS to...
BONUS #1 - Sex Geek Conservatory's Video Vault
Some of you are probably asking...
But what about public speaking IN public? What about teaching In Real Life, in-person, at actual events? What about the skills needed when we AREN'T trapped at our desks and laptops... When we're giving LIVE, sitting-across-from-the-person-in-front-of-a-live-audience interviews... What about On-Stage, Microphone-In-Hand Public Speaking Skills?
You're smart to ask. It's why this Bonus comes with your Virtual Conservatory experience.
There are SO MANY powerful, in-person and on-stage speaking & teaching techniques. And guess what? Knowing them will make your online presence and virtual charisma even stronger! (Which only sets YOU up to WIN when it's safe to teach face-to-face again...)
Let's hone those skills, too, shall we!
To deepen your skills in between Virtual Conservatory Classes, AND to give you even more public speaking mojo to support you during and after Virtual Conservatory, all attendees of Virtual Conservatory receive Lifetime Access to Sex Geek Conservatory's In-Person Recordings, the Sex Geek Conservatory Video Vault!

What You Get with Sex Geek Conservatory Video Vault...
($527 Value)
- Life-Time Membership, 24/7/365 Access
- NETFLIX Binge your heart out or go as slow as you want! You get immediate access to ALL Three Days worth of videos from the most recent In-Person Sex Geek Conservatory training. Watch as much and as fast, or as slow and easy, as it right for you, your learning styles, and needs.
- Learn By Watching Your Peers... Watch (and cheer!) fellow educators as they courageously step up to the front of the room, grab the microphone, make mistakes, overcome their learning curve, and succeed!
- Shorten Your Learning Curve! Adopt and Upgrade Best Practices... Make more progress faster by taking the advice, perspectives, and best practices that resonate for you into how you teach and speak! Start using tech equipment (mics, cameras, etc.) powerfully as a teacher...
- Jump To the Head of the Line by Avoiding the Mistakes Novices Make... By surrounding yourself with great advice and learning by watching others, avoid making the beginner and intermediate mistakes and jump directly to having the skills, know-how and savvy that will improve your abilities as a facilitator whether it's online or in-the-room.
- Believe SUCCESS Is Possible For YOU! Watch the educators transform their public speaking skills before your eyes as you drink in Conservatory's “easy-to-ingest" and full of business, branding, and marketing training (as well as Reid's infectious humor and enthusiasm)
- Augment What Your Learning Each Week... Use your access to the Video Vault to augment what you're learning in our weekly virtual classes!
- Revisit and Reuse the Videos and Materials whenever you need 'em! Enjoy rewatching the videos, refreshing the concepts, and downloading and using the handouts and worksheets over and over!
BONUS #2 - Unblock Yourself with Cathy Vartuli's Weekly BONUS Call Series: Dissolving Self-Sabotage For Sex Geek Business Owners and Educators!
You may be consciously or subconsciously sabotaging your progress!
Even if you are consciously aware of a specific fear or resistance, the subconscious is slippery and tricky! And it can distract, disorient and cause dismay to "help" you avoid facing the potential danger.
The really amazing thing is that we can meet the subconscious in a way that dissolved these fears and can actually get the resistance to transform into support, delight and eagerness to move forward! We want this for you!!
Each week we will tackle a key fear or point of resistance with a focus on sex-positive business owners and educators (cause let's face it, we have unique struggles in a world that is often sex-negative!).
- Fear of being visible!
- Fear around asking for Money!
- Who am I to do this?!
- Fear of other people's judgments!
- There's too much to do/learn!
I have to do it perfectly!
We'll be doing EFT/Tapping, sharing analogies and approaches, and normalizing the fears so you'll have a clear runway to let your business and passion take off!
Your Guest Teacher: Cathy Vartuli is the Founder of The Intimacy Dojo and Momentum for Sex Geeks. She is a sex-positive Emotional Freedom and Intimacy Coach who helps people transform their traumas into their greatest strength. She is also a PhD Research Scientist working at a major communication company.
In the Intimacy Dojo, Cathy helps clients of all shapes, sizes, ages, and gender expressions break out of old patterns and find their voice. Cathy has worked with thousands of clients from 72 countries, has presented at AASECT, Woodhull Sexual Freedom Summit, CatalystCon, Converge Con, Guelph Sexuality Conference, numerous summits, podcasts and radio shows. As a certified Cuddle Party Facilitator, she’s been seen on Bill Nye The Science Guy discussing consent and Cuddle Parties. She had produced, taught and/or led Grad School at Sex Geek Summer Camp for 7 years, has co-produced several internation festivals, and works with sex-positive business owners and educators from all over the world to help them reach more people and experience more ease and abundance.

BONUS #3 - Access to Sex Geek Summer Camp's Private Alumni Facebook Group
Virtual Conservatory Also Gives
You 24/7/365 Access To Over 280+
Like-Minded, Business Savvy Sex Educators...
(Networking Value: Priceless)
Sex Geek Summer Camp's Private Alumni Facebook Group
is your Go-To Support Group filled with brilliant sex educators
from across the globe who've participated in Reid Mihalko's
sex-positive professionals business programs.
With access to this group, you get to:
- Build lasting, professional friendships so you can stop
feeling alone. - Get support and perspectives from Reid and over 280+
of your peers. - Network your ass off!
- Nourish yourself with camaraderie and peer-support.
- Feel seen.
- Build your bravery muscles and stop feeling shy about
asking "those stupid questions." - Surround yourself with amazing educators from all
walks of life and from all over the world who want to
share their ideas and perspectives AND cheer you on! - Get celebrated when you post in our dedicated Alumni Self-Promo Thread! A special place where you're encouraged to post all of your upcoming kick-ass events, be celebrated for whatever podcast or online festival you're teaching at next, while staying up-to-date on what fabulous things your peers are cooking up so you can celebrate them back!

BONUS #4 - Access to Sex Geek Pro's Guest Speakers Series - Kicking Ass as a Sex Educator Training Series
Virtual Conservatory Also Gives
You 24/7/365 Lifetime Access To A Slew of Kick-Ass Educators' Guest Lectures From Past Sex Ed Business Events ($297 Value)
Watch and ingest the brilliance of guest faculty from past Sex Geek Summer Camps, Design Studio, Speakers Kit, Sex Geek Conservatory, Virtual Camp and MORE!
Topics include...
- Making your events more accessible
- Understanding intersectionality & inclusivity as a sex educator
- Trans inclusivity
- Dealing with emotions around business
- How to apologize as a teacher and as an organization
- Tech tools for professional sex geeks
- Being a brand rep for sex-positive product companies
- How to submit kick-ass conference submissions
- Giving good discussion panel
- More being added soon!
Guest speakers include...
- Ignacio G Hutía Xeiti Rivera, M.A.
- Angel Adeyoha
- Marla Renee Stewart, M.A.
- Dr Carol Queen
- Caz Killjoy
- Cathy Vartuli and Rick Wilkes
- Amy Baldwin
- Mac Scotty McGregor
- More being added soon!

Imagine How Much Progress You Could Achieve & The Relationships You'll Build Over 6-Weeks...
Now Imagine What's the Cost To You If You Do Nothing Now?
Imagine The Negative Impacts On Your Career and. Your Bank Account...
Take 6-Weeks To Invest In YOURSELF...
Virtual Conservatory, like all of Reid's offerings, comes with his 30-Day No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee. Join us, and you have 30-days from purchase to test-drive Virtual Conservatory and the Video Vault. If you learn nothing from your Virtual Class Calls, the Vault Videos, or the other training resources & materials, just ask for a refund within the first month and Reid will refund you no questions asked.
Select the Best Payment Option for You... And Let's Funnel All Our Collective Cabin Fever Into Kicking Some Butt, Shall We!
Would a Discounted Ticket or Scholarship Help You Attend Virtual Conservatory?
Submit an Request >>Test-Drive Virtual Conservatory for 30-Days at No-Risk!
Virtual Conservatory, like all of Reid's offerings, comes with his 30-Day No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee. Join us, and you have 30-days from purchase to test-drive Virtual Conservatory, the Video Vault, the Sex Geek Pro Kicking Ass as a Sex Educator Lecture Series, and the private Facebook Group. If you learn nothing from your Virtual Class Calls or the training materials, just ask for a refund within the first month and you will be refunded no questions asked.