$107.00 USD

3 monthly payments

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Copywriting with AI Deep Dive for Sex Geeks -3 PAY

Stop feeling stuck on getting people into your courses and events. Write Copy that entices, intrigues and engages! And do it fast with AI!

Four Easy Steps:

  1. Enter your email or Sign-In to your account.
  2. Enter your payment information. 
  3. Complete your purchase by Clicking the Blue Button. 
  4. Check your email for your logins and enjoy!

Privacy Policy: I will never share your information.

Includes Reid's 30-Day, No-Risk Money-Back Guarantee — applies to current monthly payment since previous payments would fall outside the 30-day window. 

What you'll get:

  • Copywriting skills applicable to YOU.
  • AI Hacks to speed up the process!
  • Feedback and networking to build confidence and polish!

All tailored to Professional Sex Geeks and the sex-positive community!

What People Are Saying:

Before diving into the "AI and Copywriting Deep Dive for Sex Geeks" by Reid Mihalko and Cathy Vartuli, I was honestly a bit anxious. I worried that cramming so much learning into one weekend might be overwhelming. However, what I discovered during the class was both enlightening and empowering. Learning how to train AI to assist with my specific needs and understanding the importance of making ongoing tweaks really demystified the process for me. One aspect that I think could have been improved was having a prerequisite for those less comfortable with technology. Some attendees struggled a bit with the tech side of things, and having a basic tech overview document beforehand would have been helpful. Now, I have a newfound love for AI! I'm genuinely excited to delve deeper into its capabilities and integrate it more into my work. Moving forward with my business, I feel prepared and enthusiastic about leveraging AI to help develop courses and ultimately increase revenue. Here's to an exciting journey ahead with AI by my side!

Renée Yvonne, TheGenSeXoloigist.com

Before enrolling in the "AI and Copywriting Deep Dive for Sex Geeks" course by Cathy Vartuli and Reid Mihalko, I was concerned about keeping up due to my cognitive impairments and being new to AI. However, having taken classes with Cathy and Reid before, I deeply trust in their expertise and facilitation. Cathy's mastery, the class structure, and the invaluable content were exactly what I needed! The step-by-step approach ensured that no one was left behind. Feeling safe in my own trauma-brain while clarifying the painful parts keeping our clients up at night brought everything to a whole new level. I'm now eager and well-equipped to apply these new skills in my business ventures and everyday life. I was uncertain before, and now I'm amazed at how much AI can help us reach more people in personal & authentic ways, while also saving time and energy. I deeply appreciate the class being tailored to sexuality-focused businesses, relevant to both AI newbies and experienced users, and bringing the highest quality of marketing skills for consent-savvy folks! This class has been absolutely life-changing and will applify everything I am doing. Thanks a million, Reid and Cathy!

Meagan Lee Filteau (she/they)

About Reid’s business coaching… Since I missed his workshop at my own conference (Sex Down South), Reid was sweet enough to do a condensed version and catered it, just to me. As he asked me questions, my inner flame lit up with the thoughts of my passion and how I can give my gifts of sexual education to the world. From this realization, Reid was able to give me amazing and practical advice to digitize my curriculum to create a more profitable platform. I've gone to many business classes, read a ton of business books, and I'm always looking for ways to enhance my craft. Reid was able to pull out what I needed in all of an hour! I will definitely be looking to him in the future; to not only keep me accountable, but help me bolster new and fruitful ways of fostering my passion and building on my income.

Marla Renee Stewart

I have been a student of Cathy’s 4 times now! Twice in person for week long intensive sessions and twice in virtual multi-week training courses. I keep coming back for more because I love Cathy’s teaching style, her content and her genuineness. Cathy’s Business Training Courses as well personalized feedback has helped me grow my business exponentially! Not only have sales gone up 100X since I first started my business, but I am also significantly more confident in what I do and offer to clients.

Mason Luke